Jane's Predicament

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Hey all! Sorry I haven't written in a long time but my comp was being pissy and not saving my work! If you like  my stories leave something telling me about what your computer does to piss you off!

p.s A WONDERFUL suggestion for another book that is on its way to greatness is alexisscarletshard!

It is dedicated to her for her book, The Severio Clan : The Godess' Gems.

p.ss this is in Jane's POV!


Chapter 6

          Castor, Castor, why does your face seem so familiar to me? Do I know you? Are you apart of the past that I left behind? I wasn't sure. He seemed nice, and he saved me from my death.

          "Uhhhh... listen, girl, you're holding up the whole line!" the girl behind me yelled fiercely. The dining hall, God, I felt like I was in Hogwarts. It was more like an intricate living room a chandelier in the center, tables all over the place. and along two of the walls were food serving areas. The other two sides had doors that I assume go to our rooms.

           I looked around the room, everyone seemed to come from a bratty rich family, then again, so have I.

             "Hey! are you listening? Move it pheasant!" I quickly dropped my empty tray and went to go sit somewhere in the room. Looking around I received glares and sneers, even giggles. Even some spat at me. This is what I ran away from and now I'm back for more. But then something caught my eye. A girl, alone, kind looking, and isolated from the group, just like me.

             Her white blond hair went all the way down, a couple centimeters above the hips, and it was made into a half, straight down, half pony-tail style. She was wearing a cute little outfit that looked like it was good for working out. All things considered, she was beautiful, I went towards the table and sat down next to her. She looked up and smiled, moving her stuff from the chair across from her to the one next to her, giving room for me to sit.

             "Hi, mind if I sit here?" I asked cautiously

             She smiled and giggled, "There's no need to look like I'm about to bite your head off, sit down. I don't bite."

             "Anyway, my name is Marielle. What reason do you have for separating yourself from the monstrosity called a clique?" she continued. I giggled more.

              "I don't bother fitting in anymore." I laughed, though a sadness behind it made me remember my parents.

               "Jane." I said holding my hand out to shake hers. She took it and smiled, not a malicious one, but a kind genuine one.

               "What's your last name?" She said, looking concerned.

                "Uhhhhh...." I hesitated, I didn't want people to think I was Jane Sidus, I wanted to be just Jane. Before I could come up with an excuse the door clambered open and two people walked in. A boy and a girl.

                 "Oh no." Marielle said with a look of utter shock. The two figures came into my better range of sight and I saw them clearly. A smaller girl who had to be about my age with a white blond hair that went to her shoulders, unlike Marielle who was about a year or two older than us. Also their was a boy, who had white hair that had to be her brother.

                  "Are you related?" I asked shocked at the resemblance the three shared.

                  "Cousins." seethed Marielle, her words dripping with venom. The boy had a white shirt covered by a black leather jacket and jeans. He looked like a biker boy who I wanted to slap. The two scanned the crowd until their eyes settled on Marielle and me. They were met with silence. Then as quick as a breath they were at our table. Like a snake, the boy was caressing Marielle and she didn't want it one bit. But she wasn't doing anything about it.

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