The Forest League

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Chapter  9

       "What do you expect me to do with these?" Castor asked, Aiden was outside pressing on the door trying to hear the conversation.

       "The headmaster's told us that you need to go and find your father. Apparently she needs to contact him. And she thought you would be a pleasent surprise to him." Mr.Toticon said.

        Castor eyed the two, "A pleasant surprise? After I was born he left! If I see him, there is a 75% chance I will kill him!" he hissed. An unexpected anger towards Gage Stellin filled Castor with venom. He sneezed. He blew his nose, and spit at the ashes of his picture. "No, tell her I would be excited about my first mission but this goes too personal." He looked pleadingly at them. "At least after the Forest Leagues." Mr.Toticon looked regretfully at Mr.Gunner.

         "Fine. But we, as your mentors and friends believe that you need this." said Mr.Gunner darkly. Castor knew he was too right, and that he would be visiting his father soon.

         "Fair enough, two tickets, who's coming with me?" Castor inquired. Mr.Toticon cleared his throat and left the room awkwardly. Had they argued about it before coming?

          "We agreed that I should accompany you to London. I also have some business there that I have to take care of." Mr.Gunner yawned before turning toward the door. "Aiden, you've long outgrown petty eavesdropping." With a flick of a finger the door opened and Aiden was pulled by an invisible force inside.

          "Can you let go of my middle, Mr. Too Good for Eavesdropping?" Aiden pouted dejectedly. Mr.Gunner sighed and relaxed his posture and Aiden exhaled. The nurse knocked on the door and brought everyone some hot tea. Castor sugared his and sipped it. Swirling it around in his mouth for fun, he found something rather malicous.

          Spitting it on his covers Castor yelled, "Poison!" Everyone else spit out their tea.

          Aiden screamed, "Spirit of Captivity, Trap!" The nurse, looking just as confused was trapped in a cage and banging on the bars. Castor's vision was slowly getting fuzzier and fuzzier, until everything looked like watercolor paint that was fading away. Castor found himself sitting in his bed and himself sitting across the room.

          On impulse Castor got in a ready position, though it hard with the poison messing with his senses. "Spirit of Gemini! Lend me your strength!" he said. Though his desired twin daggers did not appear."Spirits of the Phoenix! Burn!" but no fires came avail. His reflection just smiled and laughed, and stepped forward. Castor was screaming and thrashing, he was paralyzed to the bed. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. Everything ends here! Soon enough his reflection once again, touching foreheads like before. He started cutting Castor, slowly and painfully. Stabbing him but leaving him bleeding to hurt and scream. When he couldn't take it anymore, his vision turned white.

        "The trickster's old game will be trial by fire. 

         A rebellion that conflicts them to his sire.

          A trip to love will end in hate

         A meeting that comes between him and fate.

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