Part 1#

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Hello friends!! Enjoy! (BTW She has short hair like that)

Hello friends!! Enjoy! (BTW She has short hair like that)

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3rd person

The view skimmed the dark ocean.  "This is berk" Said a voice of a young male who was narrating.  

When the male said that the view then focused on 2 viking statues with fire in the mouths.  "Its twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death" he continues.  He then continued again with the narrating "It's located solidly on the meridian of misery" a wave then hits one of the two viking statues.  We then see a village, the male voice continues "My village, in a word sturdy" "Its been here for seven generations, but every single building is new" We continue to explore the view of the village while he is speaking about said village.  "We have, fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sun sets." We then zoom in on a sheep eating grass. "The only down side are the the pests" The said sheep then gets picked up fast by large talons or claws.  Another sheep comes to the same place where the last sheep had gotten taken.  While this is happening the boys voice returns.  "You see most palaces have mice or mosquitoes" "We have..." while he was talking we see a silhouette of a boy opening a door with a large figure with wings.  The figure then looks at him inside the door way.  The skinny boy looks around in a panic, but he then closes the door as the figure breaths fire at him.  The fire comes through the sides of the thick wooden door.  We all then see that the boy, with shaggy auburn hair, was in fact the narrator because he and the narrator then say "Dragons".  All of us see a scene of chaos, dragons breathing fire, fire, sheeps getting taken, and sheep running away in panic.  "You see most people would leave"More sheeps away and more fire. "Not us were vikings, we have stubbornness issues"  We also see a viking thats hitting meatball dragon, only to get tossed off.  Oh and look at that the auburn skinny boys back from hiding. He looks around the chaos while stumbling. "My names Hiccup great name I know, but its not the worst.  Parents believe  a hideous name will frame off gnomes and trolls.  Like our charming viking demeanor wouldn't do that"  Hiccup gets blasted backwards onto his back, only when he was on his back a viking came up to him yelling "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Mornin".  Hiccup gets up rushing to get to the forge, on his way there though people yelled "What you doing here?"

"Get inside!"

"What you doing out?"

"Get back inside!

Hiccup passes all those people and was almost in the line of fire, but thankfully his father grabbed him by the back of his shirt.  "Hiccup!" he yelled "What is he doing out aga-What are you doing out get inside!" he yelled again and pushed Hiccup.  "That's Stoick The Vast, chief of the tribe.  They say that when he was a baby he popped a dragons head clean of his shoulders."   Hiccup narrated this as Stoick throes a giant weapon at a nadder.  "Do I belive it? Yes I do." "What have we got?" Stoick questioned a viking the viking replied by saying "gronckles, Nadders, Ziplebacks, oh and monstrous nightmare" A blast then went off and the viking who listed the dragons put his shield up, but on the other hand Stoick just stood there with a stoic expression.  Even when a ash went on his shoulder, just brushed it off.  "Any night furys?" Stoick also questioned "Not so far" "Good".  Hiccup ran by as they were opening the torches.   

How To Change A Assassin Hiccup x Oc Book 1Where stories live. Discover now