Part 9#

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The next day

Natasha and Astrid ran to the arena when it was time for Hiccup to fight the dragon. She saw him behind the gate. Stoick started his speech.

"Well, I can show my face in public again! If someone had told me that in just few short weeks, Hiccup would go from being, well... Hiccup, to placing first in Dragon Training... Well, I would've tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad."

The crowd boomed with laughter

"Yes! And you know it! But here we are. And no one's more surprised...or more proud than I am. Today, my boy becomes a Viking. TODAY, HE BECOMES ONE OF US!"

"Be careful with that dragon" Astrid warned Hiccup

"And you know" Nat added nodding her head to Stoick

"Yeah she's right" Hiccup said

"What are you going to do?" Astrid asked

"Put an end to this, I have to try. Astrid, Natasha if something goes wrong make sure they don't find Toothless and Scarlett" he said with the bravery that made Natasha blush.

"We will" Astrid promised

"Just promise us it won't go wrong" Natasha said

Hiccup was about to speak, but Gobber came around the corner.

"It's time Hiccup, knock em dead"

Hiccup walked out putting on his helmet and he looked around the chanting crowd. He walked into the arena to the weapons board and he grabbed a shield with a dagger unlike most vikings who would pick a large weapon for more chance.

"You can do it" the no longer cold assassin as she was before whispered to herself.

He took a deep breath and raised his shield. "I'm ready," He said and the wood log that was keeping the doors closed, lifted. The monstrous nightmare broke out with lava and fire around it. It roared and crawled the wall shooting fire out of the arena cage, but the vikings in the place moved in time.

It crawled on the chain roof and saw Hiccup standing there and it growled at him, crawling down from it. Hiccup stood his ground and didn't back down, he dropped his shield and dagger and held his hands out. The crowd was confused and Natasha was nervous for her crush as you can call it.

"Hey it's ok. It's ok" he said to the dragon that was now in front of him. Hiccup took steps back as the dragon moved closer. He took his helmet off and threw it on the ground.

"I'm not one of them"

The crowd gasped. The dragon looked at him with more respect this time. Astrid and Natasha looked at each other with worry.

"Stop the fight!" stoick orders

"No! I need you all to see this, They're not what we think they aren't what we don't have to kill them" Hiccup disagreed, his hand almost touching the snout of the monstrous nightmare. More gasps and looks from the villagers to Stoick.

"I said stop the fight!" Stoick yelled, banging his hammer on the chain/wire cage, therefore startling the dragon in front of Hiccup. It snapped at Hiccups hand as the boy stumbled backwards and the dragon started to blow fire around the arena while Hiccup ran.

In the distance, two dragons heard the commotion. One with green eyes the other with a light red/pink. The pink eyed dragon ignored her instincts to go after it her riders orders, but the green eyed one tried to get out of the cove he was stuck in, but that is hard with a prosthetic tail fin.

How To Change A Assassin Hiccup x Oc Book 1Where stories live. Discover now