Chapter 11 : The Plan

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Being extra cautious (since she doesn't have her pendent with her now), she opened the door to find...Will?!


Will : Hi Mia. I just wanna apologise for what I did yesterday night --- Wait. What did I do?

Mia : Um... (SHOULD I LIE) You just accidentally...break a plate! Yeah, it's alright you know. I'm not mad anymore. (OMG I'M SORRY WILL)

Will : Oh, that's good to hear :) Although, that was very clumsy of me. Sorry again ^_^"

Mia : Um, it's okay! Um, do you want to come inside? You know, like talk over some tea or something...?

Will : I would love to, but I just remembered I got something on. Maybe next time, Mia! Bye!


Breaking her train of thoughts, Mia's phone suddenly buzzed, startling her.


Mia, are you free right now?

Yeah! ;)

About that... Can we change plans?

Um okay... So what now?

Okay, long story short, my brother got a new girlfriend and I hate her.


I need your help to break them up.


She's the worst! When she came around yesterday night because my brother needs "cheering up", she basically acted like a female dog!

That's offensive to dogs, Yvonne.

I'm sorry, but that's not my point! I mean, when I opened the door and saw her, she thought I was Yildeen's girlfriend and punched me! Like wts, and my brother didn't even say anything! HE WAS FREAKING DEFENDING HER.

Um...perhaps you would want to calm down...

Oh trust me, Mia, I'm as calm as I ever could be. So? Are you gonna help? I'm not forcing you okay, don't you dare say I'm forcing you. :D (I know you may think I'm being sarcastic, but I'm not okay)

Re-reading the question "Are you gonna help?" again and again, Mia hesitated to agree but because it's her best friend here and also having that little spark for Yildeen, you know what she replied.

What do I need to do?


It was almost noon and Marvin still hasn't returned. Mia worried that something bad has happened to Marvin...and of course, the pendent.

Seeing the difference in Will, she realized that she need the pendent more than anything else. She needs to be loved, she wants to be loved, and she must be loved.

Interrupting the hectic swirling of thoughts in her mind, the door bell rang and brought Mia back to her senses.

Mia : Marvin? Omg, you're back!

Marvin : Hey, missed me? ;)

Mia : (Oh good, he's not angry anymore!) So...the pendent?

Marvin : *mutters* Pendent...ugh. *beams* It's fixed! Yay!

Mia : Omg that's great! Thank you so much! Um, may I have it...?

Marvin : *hesitated* (Is the pendent the only thing that is on her mind?!) Here you go. *passes the pendent to Mia*

Mia : Thanks again! Oh, I have to meet Yvonne now and I'm not sure when I'll be back so have dinner without me! See you later :)

Marvin : Bye! (I hope she's not going to use the pendent...)


*Where Yvonne and Mia is*

Mia : Hey Yvonne! Sorry for being late, was caught up with something ^_^"

Yvonne : It's alright, it's just like what, 5 minutes later only :)

Mia : So...what's the plan?

Yvonne : Simple. Make my brother jealous and that little bit---

Mia : Her name is?

Yvonne : Ugh, why are you doing this to me. Her name is Vicky. Okay, are you happy now?

Mia : Um, yeah...please continue...

Yvonne : As I was saying, make my brother jealous and Vicky liking another guy, which will also be the reason for Yildeen's jealousy.

Mia : O...kay.

Yvonne : Any hot guys you know of?

Mia : W-What?!

Yvonne : To pretend to be your boyfriend so we can make Yildeen jealous? Please say you have at least one guy you know that's hot. AND willing to be your boyfriend.

Mia : Um, I'm not so sure of that last part...but there is 2 guys that I'm quite close with.

Yvonne : them both now. See who's free tomorrow. If both is free, that's even better...


A/N : That's chapter 11!

Are you excited for the plan? I sure am XD

Although, at the moment, I have no idea how the plan is really gonna work...or will it? ;P

Okay, I'm not sure whether I can update for the next few weeks cause homework just keep increasing and I'm struggling already XD

So yeah, don't expect me to update (I'm basically talking to a wall lol cause no one reads my books duh)

I'd really appreciate it if you'd give me your feedback, opinions and/or suggestions in the comments below and feel free to request any celeb or Youtuber!

I will update on Saturdays but if I don't, it means I'm busy sorreh :(

That's it for me now! May God bless all of you beautiful people and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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