The Magic To Control

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Hello, Kevina here ^^

Recently, I've this fantasy of having the ability to control boys/men and I know it's some kind of crime but oh well, I don't have it so don't worry. You're safe. For now :P

To have everything going your way, doesn't it sounds like perfection to you? No?

Well, to me it is and I wanna take my imagination to another level where I would try to pen down my thoughts here which is a difficult task for me, not gonna lie...

However, I'm gonna take it slow and just see where my wild fantasies would take me ;)

What happens in this story will be bizarre and would never ever happen in real life, even though I badly want it to happen >.<

There would be celebrities, youtubers and my own friends (not gonna use their real names for some though, so to you the person is just another fictional character, but to me the person is real) so if you wanna see your favourite celebs or youtubers, feel free to comment them down!

To sum everything up, this is a fantasy story with people. Something like master and butler kind of stuff XD

Hahaha, there, I hope you would enjoy my fantasies and with that, let's move on to the story!

IMPORTANT - I DON'T REALLY KNOW THE PEOPLE WELL ENOUGH SO I'M REALLY SORRY IF YOU DON'T LIKE HOW I PORTRAY THE CHARACTERS. I'm really sorry for shouting and also sorry for any future inconvenience :)

Please continue ._.

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