Chapter 7 : More Than Friends?!

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Mia, Marvin and Will bade goodbye to their new friends, played for a little more at the amusement park and went back home. Marvin all of a sudden remembered he got something on and left the 2 teens alone.

Will : Wow... Guess we're alone huh? (OMG YESH WE'RE ALONE XD)

Mia : Um yeah. What are you thinking? ._.

Will : Nothing! Definitely not thinking of getting it down with you.

Mia : WHAT?!


Mia : Omg Will, one day I'm gonna have a heart attack because of you...

Will : Um...should I be wary?

Mia : Perhaps... XD

Will : Hmm, I guess I'll think about that...after watching a movie with you! I'm bored!

Mia : Wow Will, okay then... All the DVDs are in the right cabinet, you can choose the move :)

Will : Aww thanks!


After choosing the movie that he wanted, he sat down on the couch with Mia on his left. As the movie started, Will began to slip his arm around Mia's shoulders. Fortunately, Mia didn't notice ;)

Mia : The Vow? Really, Will? I didn't know you were the type to watch these kind of moves...

Will : Hey! Don't be so stereotypical! I... Is it bad for a guy to watch these movies huh?

Mia : N-Not at all Will! Although, are you SURE you want to watch this? I mean, we can watch another movie if you don't want to...

Will : I... I WANT TO.

Mia : O-Okay Will, don't force yourself too much though... And by the way, w-why is your arm around my shoulders?

Will : (Oops, busted.) Y-You don't like it?

Mia : N-No... UM I MEAN I don't mind...

Will : Okay then ^^


After the movie ended, Mia was silently crying and when Mia turned her slightly to her right, she saw a few tears flowing down Will's cheek. Mia held back her laughter but she couldn't help it but to let out a light chuckle.

Will : W-What?

Mia : N-Nothing! It's j-just that...I didn't really expect that you'll cry >||<

Will : A guy can cry okay? *pouts*

Mia : Of course a guy can *smiles* I'm sorry if I've offended you... *looks down at her feet*

Will : Mia... *lifts her head up and looked into her eyes*

Mia : H-Huh?!

Will : Mia... I think we should be more than friends...

Mia : Wait w-what?!

Before Mia could protest, Will leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. Mia didn't know how to react but somehow, she wasn't mad at Will for kissing her.

Mia : (That was my first kiss! But...he was very gentle and wasn't very forceful. He just kinda peck my lips...) >///<

Will : I'm s-sorry! Oh my gosh, you probably hate me now! I'll j-just um go outside and breathe in some um fresh air yeah! I'm so s-sorry again, oh my gosh. Okay, I'll leave now. Bye!

Mia was too slow to reply as Will slammed the door shut. She was shocked with his reaction but thought it was kinda cute at the same time.

What is going to happen next? Find out in the next chapter :P


A/N : That's Chapter 7!

I know I'm kinda late but I just watched the video in which Will says he's leaving IM5 because he wanted to pursue his dreams. If you're confused, go to their YouTube account and watch their 16 December live stream video (Idk why but for me, the date was shown as 17 December. Probably because of the difference in timing and all that XD)

I'm sho sad, do you know? I just can't believe Will is leaving...BUT there will be new music coming from him soon! (That is what I think lah. I'm hoping ^^)

I support Will's decision and wished for nothing but the best for him ^^

So...I don't know about you people, but if you don't want Will to be in the story anymore, then do speak your minds in the comments section. Since I wanted to do something like a reverse-harem (although I kinda failed if you read my first 2 stories XD) so yeah, for now I'm gonna keep Will cause I love him >//<

^ That whole chunk of words doesn't really makes sense, does it? XD

Sorry for the short chapter and for the long author's note ._.

I'd really appreciate it if you'd give me your feedback, opinions and/or suggestions in the comments below and feel free to request any celeb or YouTuber!

I will update every Saturday so stay tuned!

That's it for now! May God bless all of you beautiful people and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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