Chapter 5 : An Unexpected Moment

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Shocked, she was.

The person she saw was...

None other than...

Joe Sugg...

After Mia tapped on Joe's shoulder, he turned around and was surprisingly happy to see her again. It has been 2 months since they met in the hospital yet Joe remembered Mia as if he saw her just yesterday.


Joe : Mia! It's so nice to see you again!

Mia : Oh my gosh, Joe right? It's been so long!

Joe : Yeah, although...I didn't get to know you much since you ran away...

Mia : Um...yeah, about that... I'm sorry---

Joe : Hahaha, don't worry about it Mia! I'm sure whatever the reason was, you didn't ran away on purpose right?

Mia : Um...hahaha right...

Joe : Oh Mia, there's someone you got to meet! Remember what I said the last time? I wanted to introduce you to my sister but you ran off! Fortunately, my sister accompanied me here. Now she can finally meet you!

Mia : Yeah! (Oh my god, what am I supposed to do >.<)

Joe : Just give me a sec! I'll bring my sis here right now!

With that, Joe ran off to get his sister, leaving Mia standing there, pondering about whether she should meet his sister.

"What if his sister doesn't like me? What if...she knows I can control Joe? Wait. Do I want to control Joe?!" Mia was panicking but not for long as Joe and Zoe made their way to Mia.


Will : Mia sure is taking a long time...

David : Maybe she got diarrhea!

Gabriel : Now it's you who's cursing Mia!

Dana : *gasps* Oh my gosh, we can't let a beauty like her suffer!

Cole : All of you are a bunch of idiots. *sighs*

Marvin : Hahaha, if you guys want to know where she is now, I can tell ya ^^

Will : Oh my gosh, are you serious? Tell me now!!

David : Yes! C'mon, hurry up!

Gabriel : Hey, you guys need to stop talking to let him talk.

Dana : Hahaha, Gabriel, you're also talking XD

Cole : *facepalm* I swear I didn't sign up for this...

Marvin : Alrighty, just follow me and you'll find her ~

Will : Yippee! I hope she's alright!

David : Wait, regarding to what you say, Marvin, does that mean she's not in the toilet?

Gabriel : Why do you even care David? (Are you some kind of pervert <.<)

Dana : Ooh, David is a pervert, David is a pervert ~~~

Marvin : (Okay this is enough talk ._.) Guys, I appreciate the concern and questions and comments, but can you please just shut up until we have found Mia? ''^_^

IM5 (Except Cole XD) : Yes Sir!


Now as thousands of doubts swirled inside Mia's head, Joe brought Zoe over...alongside with a few other people...

Joe : Hello again, Mia! I hope you didn't wait long!

Mia : Oh, no, it's not long at all... *smiles*

Joe : I told you before but I don't think you'll remember since 2 months has passed, so here is my sister, Zoe!

Zoe : Ooh, so you're Mia? Joe has talked so much about you! He never stops --

??? : *coughs* Zoe, I think that's enough. Hi there Mia, my name is Alfie Deyes. You can call me Alfie ^^

Mia : *smiles awkwardly* Hi Alfie, hi Zoe ~ Pardon me for asking but...are you 2...?

Alfie : *laughs* Bingo Mia! You're a smart one! Forget Joe, I think you're more suited to be with Jim! However --

??? : Alfie! I'm already engaged! Sorry Mia, Alfie's a little high at the moment. Let me introduce myself. I'm Jim Chapman and this is my girlfriend, Tanya Burr.

Tanya : Hello! It's a pleasure meeting you :)

Joe : Guys! And Alfie! Oh my gosh, you're going to get it from me when we get back! *clears throat* So, um, Mia, wanna join us?

Coincidentally, Marvin and the boys of IM5 arrived and sort of "came to Mia's rescue" XD

Marvin : I believe Mia is already busy accompanying us ~ By the way, the name's Marvin.

Will : I'm Will! And that's David, Gabriel, Dana and Cole! Nice to meet you!

David : Hey! Who says you can just introduce us all together?!

Dana : Hey David, just forget it :)

Gabriel : Ooh, you're one beautiful lady ;) *eying Zoe*

Alfie : Hey! Get your eyes off my girlfriend! *grabs Gabriel by the collar*

Mia : (Ohmygosh, what do I do, what do I do >.<) *whispers* All the males shall listen to me! >//<

Marvin : (She done it ^^)


A/N : That's chapter 5!

Hehe, Mia has said the words! I don't know whether it will work or not, but hopefully it will. If not, it'll be very embarrassing for Mia XD

You'll see the outcome in the next chapter ;)

If you don't know the new characters, you can find them on YouTube :

Alfie Deyes : PointlessBlog
Jim Chapman : Jim Chapman
Tanya Burr : Tanya Burr
Zoe Sugg : Zoella
Joe Sugg : ThatcherJoe
IM5 : IM5band

I'd really appreciate it if you'd give me your feedback, opinions and/or suggestions in the comments and feel free to request any celeb or Youtuber!

I will update every Saturday so stay tuned!

That's it for now! May God bless all of you beautiful people and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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