Chapter 4 : A Familiar Face

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As Mia started to get braver and braver every time a "problem" occurs, it's time to get things going and control another victim XD

It was currently night time and IM5 was asleep. Mia somehow just couldn't, and went out for a walk. She sat down at a bench after 5 minutes of walking and sighed out loud.

"I wonder why I got to have this amazing power and not other girls?" Mia pondered.

Coincidentally, Marvin was wide awake and also on a walk. He could hear what Mia was thinking and silently laughed at that.

"Well, my dear Mia. Some things are meant to be unknown~" Marvin thought as he made his way to Mia, startling her as he sat down on the bench.

Mia : Marvin! Um, you couldn't sleep as well...?

Marvin : Bingo, Mia. By the way, have you thought of controlling another person? ;)

Mia : Um... However I look at it, it just seems wrong...!

Marvin : Well, don't worry. It's not wrong as long as I'm here with you.

Mia : Wait, you mean if you got into an accident, I'll be thrown to jail?!

Marvin : Hahaha, my dear Mia! You've got it all wrong! Remember the time when I said I was your guardian? It means I'll protect you no matter what happens, so don't worry about a single thing okay? Just have fun controlling ^^

Mia : ... (Still, why me...?)

Marvin : Mia, I need to tell you something.

Mia : Huh? What is it?

Marvin : Always keep in mind that some things are meant to be hidden and kept a secret so don't over think it okay? :)

Mia : Hahaha, sure thing Marvin ^_^



Everyone decided to eat in for breakfast, so that's what happened.

In the midst of eating her cereal, Mia no longer felt flustered as the boys of IM5 gave her a morning hug each. Now, she is over the moon whenever they do stuff like that, but butterflies do still fly around in her stomach.

Much to her surprise today, Will hugged her the last. He was always the first and most eager to start. All of a sudden, Mia felt her right cheek being slightly pressed and guess what she saw?

Will kissing her!

Mia jumped out of her seat and was about to run away when Will held her tightly as the kiss continued. A look of surprise was shown on everyone else's faces, Marvin's face however turned into a smug look.

Mia : W-Will! N-Not now...!

Will : *stops kissing and step back a little* Hmm? So next time? Alone? ;)

Mia : W-Will!!

Marvin broke the icy silence by laughing it off and everyone soon continued with their breakfast.


Mia loves amusement parks and luckily, it was the weekdays so there isn't many people. As Will took Mia's right hand in his and Marvin holding the other, they walked all the way to the nearest amusement park. (Don't worry, it wasn't that far XD)

After buying of the tickets and admission into the park, Mia saw someone familiar.

"That very distinctive... Where have I seen it before...?" Mia thought as she excused herself from the rest to have a closer look at the charming guy.

Mustering up all her courage, Mia tapped on the guy's shoulder and shocked was all you could see on her face.


A/N : That's chapter 4!

I know it's kinda short but I'm busy and I wanted to leave a cliffhanger AND I seriously want to update every Saturday XD

I want to know who do you think this familiar person is! So yeah, comment your guesses ^^

I'd really appreciate it if you'd give me your feedback, opinions and/or suggestions in the comments and feel free to request any celeb or Youtuber!

I will update every Saturday so stay tuned!

That's it for me now! May God bless all of you beautiful people and see you in the next chapter!

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