Chapter 2 : The First Victim

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Soon, the day has come.

Mia : Today's the day! IM5, let's see what you've got ;)

As Mia ate her breakfast, she told her mom she would be studying in the library until late at night, but you all know that isn't the case :P

Her mom trust her a lot, although there are some times when she's troublesome and all that, but she nodded and gave Mia the permission to do so.

After putting all the necessities inside her backpack, Mia put the pendant around her neck as a necklace and off she goes! Throughout the journey, Mia worried about whether the pendant works or not, but she somehow managed to convince herself it's all gonna be alright.

Just when she opened the door, Marvin was at the doorstep, beaming.


Marvin : Good morning Mia! Going out?

Mia : Um yeah... What are you doing here?

Marvin : Well, let's just say I'm something like your guardian :)

Mia : Um okay... So that means you'll be following me? (OMG XD)

Marvin : Yep, to ensure you're safe and all that. By the way, this is my number. Just in case of any emergency.

Mia : Okay... (OMG I GOT HIS NUMBER >//<)

Marvin : Well, let's go shall we?

Mia : Okay, but do you even know where we are going? XD

Marvin : I do know, because I'm your guardian. I know everything ;)


Marvin : Yes, I can. Let's not waste any more time shall we? ;)

Mia : Y-Yeah... *blushes*


It was 7 in the evening when they reached the venue where IM5 would perform. You might have guessed how many people were there in the audience. Nope, it's not packed.

Mia : It's so empty.

Marvin : Well, isn't that expected?

Mia : I guess so...

They sat down and waited for the performance to start. Mia could briefly heard what was being said backstage and so does Marvin. They glanced at each other and let out a chuckle.

Cole : There's no one! I'm not gonna perform in front of nobody!

Will : Come on, we're already here, might as well perform! It's just for one night, okay?

Gabriel : I'm sorry Will, but I gotta agree with Cole. It's like we're performing in front of ghosts you know?

Dana : Well, I agree with Will. It's just for one show!

David : Guys, you might not believe me, but there are 2 people sitting in the front row and they can hear everything we just said. You know what that means?

IM5 : The show goes on.


With that being said, they started singing the first song --- Get To Know You.

Mia was intrigued by the performance, and her eyes were glued to it. Marvin looked at Mia, smiled and watched the performance too.

After the song has ended, the boys of IM5 were panting as they start the "talking session". (A/N : You know when in concerts, after some songs, the celeb will talk to the audience? Yep, that's it.)

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