(15) sweater weather

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I ran to the hospital, sometimes stumbling but I got myself back up. It was extremely dark and cold, by now you would've thought that I learnt my lesson walking alone in the dark, but the only thing that was on my mind was Hannibal, I think that's the only thing anyway. I slipped on some mud and I hurt my knee, while looking up I saw someone down my pathway. It was dark, I couldn't see who. I got myself up, slightly embarrassed that someone saw me fall. I started walking slowly down the street, they did not move. Above them, the street light started to flicker. Now, I could feel my heart beat faster than ever to see it was Garret Jacob Hobbs. His skin was already wasting away, his eyes were colourless and he still had the holes that I put in him. I was stood still, as if I was frozen in some ice. I couldn't hear anything except this loud ringing in my ear and my legs felt like jelly. From what felt like an eternity, I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I could hear again and I could stand up better, I turned around to see it was Marcus, he didn't look clean and his eyes were hazy.
"Marcus, what're you doing?" I stared at him in confused and he still had his hand on my shoulder, his mouth started to shake and he struggled to say his words.
"I miss you" while he said that, he tightened his grip on my shoulder, that's when my fight or flight response kicked in.
"Marcus, you don't look right. Maybe you should go home and rethink all of this" I got myself out of his grip and stepped two metres back. He only stared, eyes hazy.
"Are you high?" I stepped back further more and he lost his balance a bit but he adjusted himself.
"I-I miss you" he reached his hand out to me and that's when I turned around and ran. Although I was drunk, I was still in better shape to run than he was. After running for god knows how long, I looked behind myself to see he was gone, or he gave up. I still ran to the hospital before anything else surprising could happen.

Just as I got into the hospital, it started to thunder. I walked over to the receptionist, attempting to act more sober than I was.
"Hi there, uhh I've came here to see Abigail Hobbs?" I exclaimed, I was hoping she had a long shift and was tired so she would just let me through instead of asking all these questions.
"Are you family or a friend?" She asked, typing extremely fast on her keyboard.
"Friend" I put my hands on the desk, in case I had to sign anything.
"Okay, just sign here and here" she placed out a piece of paper and a pen for me.
"Thank you" I clicked the pen and started signing away. I put the pen down and looked back at her for her to tell me the location of Abigail and Hannibal.
"Thank you, dear" she took the pen and paper and placed them in a pile. "She's in room 9B" she smiled at me and I smiled back, thanking her. I wandered around the hospital until I got my bearings on where 9B is. I never really went to hospitals, If I was injured, I would suck it up. Once, I sliced my finger and you could literally see the tissue in my finger but I refused to go to the hospital, so Maria had to get a doctor to come to us.

The stench of bleach burned my nose as I walked through the corridor. Many people were walking around in hospital gowns, then I saw this old woman walk down the corridor. I smiled at her, feeling such sympathy for her and she seemed too intoxicated to show much expression but she arched her eyes on what you would do with a smile. I hope it was a smile instead of a dirty look. I found room 9B and just as I was opening the door, the light down the corridor flickered and I saw Garret Jacob Hobbs again. He was smiling just how he was when he died. I faced the door again and took a deep breath and I let myself in. Abigail was in a coma from what it seemed, she had tubes all over her and I saw Hannibal, resting his head on Abigail's bed, asleep. I smiled at how adorable it was for me to see and I grabbed a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around him. After all that effort to get to the hospital, it was all worth it. I kissed his forehead and I could smell his scent, it was a lot of scents but they all fitted neatly together in my nose. I sat myself down on the couch and I slowly fell asleep.

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