(14) love triangle

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I woke up on a couch, I slowly sat up and I was in the same office me and Hannibal talked in. Will was sat at the desk, he seemed extremely bored as he was throwing a pen in the air and catching it. I made a slight grunt at my head ache.
"Grace, your awake!" He scuttled over and felt my forehead. "Your still pretty warm" he walked over to grab a water bottle for me. He walked back and held a water bottle to me, I stared at him then the water bottle. "Oh yeah, sorry. I could go get a cup, if you want" he seemed quite sympathetic.
"No, it's okay. Thank you" I took rather large, selfish gulps of water to hydrate my dry mouth.
"How long was I out?" I asked. There was no window to tell the time of day and there was no clocks in my view.
"Around 5 hours." He sat beside me, looking at me. Making eye contact, for too long of a period of time.
"And you've just been... waiting here?" I look around the room, it was just papers and books, seemed like you would go insane to sit in this room for just 2 hours.
"Yeah. Hannibal is still at the hospital with Abigail." Will exclaimed.
"Who's Abigail?" I asked.
"The girl you saved" Will told me. I almost forgot about what happened. That's when I remembered, i shot a man to death. That stupid smile he made, I was feeling slightly sick just thinking about him.
"You okay?" Will put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from having another moment.
"Yeah I just..yeah" I looked down at my water bottle. There was a sudden knock at the door and Alana peered her head through.
"Oh, hey. You're awake. How are you?" She shut the door behind herself and she strolled over with a chair that she grabbed at the desk.
"Yea, I'm good, thanks" I smiled at her, it took a lot of effort,  since today has been nothing but a roller coaster of emotions.
"Jack said he wanted to interview you, but I wouldn't allow it." Alana informed me.
"Thanks" I said, while slurping on my water. Will and Alana both glanced at each other then Alana took a breath before telling me the news they both seemed to dread.
"We think we should let you go from doing cases with the FBI" Alana Broke the ice. I looked up in confusion.
"What? I've been such good help for this case though!" I enjoyed solving these cases and they were helping me in some unknown way.
"We know you have had a great impact on this case, buts it's too dangerous for you to continue doing them, I'm sorry" Alana walked out the room and Will got his coat.
"I'm sorry, Grace. It's for the best.." Will spoke with his head down. I just sat there, watching will leave. I grabbed my phone and I decided to go to the hospital in hope to see Hannibal there.

While walking to the hospital, I saw a bar and decided I should treat myself. I walked in and didn't make eye contact with anyone. I sat myself down on a bar stool and ordered a vodka and coke. I payed for the drink and slurped on it. It reminded me of the party and Marcus. It was almost like I turned off my emotions and I just looked at old text messages with my friends. The most entertaining ones were the text messages of me when I was a teenager. I never knew how trampy I acted back then until now, it still made me smile though. I ordered more drinks and forgot about time and everything else.
"May I buy you a drink?" I look to the side of me and this tall, gorgeous man was smiling at me. He looked like he knew how to dress and he had some rings on, with a few tattoos on his hand too.
"Sure, why not" I said, while smiling. He sat himself down next to me and ordered me a cider.
"So, what brings you here?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders and told him about my day, keeping the parts of about me having my moments.
"My day consisted of people being assholes! Are you an asshole?" I asked, he laughed at my comment.
"Bad day I believe! Well, my day consisted of me getting a new tattoo" he showed me his finger that had protection over it.
"Can I see?" I loved tattoos and I always wanted my own.
"I'm meant to keep the bandages on for about 3 days but how could I say no" he started to unwrap it and showed me his tattoo. It was just a cross but still looked awesome.
"That is sick! Do you have any others?" I asked.
"Yeah, I have loads. My favourite is this one, though. He held his blonde hair back and showed devil horns behind his ear.
"That is amazing! How much did it hurt?" I was completely fascinated with his tattoos.
"I would say, on a scale of 1 to 10, around a 6. You should get one" he suggested. I took a large gulp from my drink.
"I'm around £200 short" I sighed. "I do plan on getting one, but right now would be the worst time" I had Maria searching for me, and whatever was going with me and Hannibal and I just killed a man.
"That sucks, you should definitely call me when you get one" he wrote down his number on a napkin and slides it to me. I giggled at his move.
"Smooth" I said while tucking away his number in my jacket. He smiled at me. I checked the time and it was nearly midnight.
"Shit! I need to go" I grabbed my bag and he grabbed my hand, that was bandaged.
"Oh, I'm sorry but, can I walk you?" He asked, letting go of my hand.
"I don't think it's a good idea, but I'll call you! I promise" I ran out the bar and ran to the hospital.

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