(39) where are you?

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Hannibal cut the vegetables and I would cook. He kept dashing all these vegetables and meats into the pan and I couldn't keep up. He suddenly dumped minced beef into the pan without a warning.
"It's going to over flow!" I laughed while trying to save some food items that was falling out.
"Keep frying!" Hannibal cried out while cutting some tomato's. I added some vegetable oil and some pepper then I stirred extra fast.
"My arm is going to fall off!" I cried while stirring, fast.
"What heat is the pan on..?" Hannibal asked.
"Who the fuck put it on max heat" I laughed while lowering it to the correct heat. Hannibal chuckled while continuing to cut the tomatoes. I could relax on my speed of stirring, my arm felt a lot more relaxed.
"I'm surprised none are burnt" I smiled while letting the vegetables and meats simmer. I took a sip out of my water and watched Hannibal cut the tomatos. He had a few strands of hair dangle in his face and his sleeves were rolled up, revealing his veiny, muscular arms.
"What else can I do?" I asked.
"You could... start doing the pasta. You only need to boil" he exclaimed. I walked over to the bowl that held the pasta and it was made from scratch. I gasped at the sight of how good they looked.
"Wow... I just want to eat it raw" I said. Hannibal smiled and he added the tomato's into the pan and began to stir. I filled a pan up with water and I let it boil. It was a fun time to cook with Hannibal, I actually learnt a lot, just from making that one meal.

The food was served, spaghetti and Bolognese. I tried the pasta since I was most excited for that. I added some meat and sauce into my fork and I swirled the pasta around the fork. I tasted the mouthful and I felt all these emotions from one bite.
"So good!" I said while taking another bite. Hannibal smiled then took a sip of wine that accompanied his meal.
"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Hannibal asked me, starting a conversation.
"I need to talk to Clarice.. why'd you ask?"

"I think I'm going to invite Will, Jack and maybe Clarice over for dinner"


"We all haven't spoken as friends"

"True... do you know what happened to Alana?"

"She resigned."

"To.. Mason?"

"I do not know where she works now"

"I see..."

"How are your hallucinations?"

"Their at bay for now."

"That's good"

"Yeah, they'll come to bite me in the ass soon, though"

————— time skip ————-

I cowered in the bathroom corner in my underwear, seeing Garret Jacob Hobbs stand in front of me and slit Franklin's throat startled me. I sobbed in the corner and I glanced up to see Garret Jacob Hobbs then shoot himself. I shrieked and in the blink of an eye, they were both gone. I was sobbing in the corner of the bathroom, in matching underwear, alone. I was too scared to move, their all becoming to look so real, it's scary, I heard the gunshot, I saw the blood, I saw and heard all of it.

I was calmer now, I was only sniffling, yet I still didn't want to move. I was willing to sleep here if it meant I didn't have to move. I did not want to sleep though, I was scared of my dreams and I was scared of opening my eyes to see something that isn't there again. I curled into a ball and I tried to keep my eyes open, but it failed. I was snoozing in the corner of the bathroom, in my underwear.

Hannibal's POV

Grace hadn't came to bed yet, she would've normally been the one to be in bed first.
"Grace?" I hollered, no one responded, except the house settlement. I began to unbutton my shirt and I changed my pants to something comfy, Grace still hadn't arrived to bed yet. I decided to venture for her in case she was hurt. I checked the guest bedroom then the guest bathroom, I found her laying asleep on the floor, in the corner. She was in a matching bra and underwear and she looked cold. I didn't want to wake her but I didn't want to leave her here, either. I knelt down and began to lift her up in bridal style. Her head was dug into my neck and she was murmuring in her sleep, I couldn't understand her murmurs though. Her cold breath against my chest, I could tell she was cold from her she shivering in my arms and in her breath. I laid her neatly onto her side of the bed and tucked her in but I knew my warmth and a duvet wouldn't keep her warm enough. I slowly pulled the duvet off her and I brought out some shorts and a hoodie. As I began to put shorts on her, I realised she began to show. I couldn't help but smile and I placed my hand on her stomach, although she was beyond cold, her stomach was warm. I already felt a bond with this child who wasn't even in this world yet. I put the shorts on her and I delicately put a hoodie on her, she was a deep sleeper. I crawled onto my side of the bed and I wrapped my hands around her cold body and I pulled myself close to her. I couldn't help but just place my hand against her stomach, I felt so excited about the idea of becoming a father and I slowly drifted to sleep.

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Where stories live. Discover now