chapter 42~ deals and soccer

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I was distracted by a vibration from the phone I held in my hand, Cole had sent me a message. I reduced my brightness to the lowest before clicking on the message, Cole could be very unpredictable at times.

Private number: the game starts in forty five minutes. You on your way yet?

Me: I'm about to be

"Olivia, you haven't picked a color yet." My Mom reminded mildly

"Oh right, I pick purple." I notified her

"Cool, turn around let me lay your edges." She ordered

I turned around to face her and when she was done with my edges she clicked her tongue happily. "The final touch the dye."

She soothed it gradually into the part of my hair peeking out of the scrunchie and when she was done she asked "ready to see how it looks?"

"Yupp." I answered excitedly

"Lemme go wash my hands, I'll be back to hand you a mirror." She announced before taking her leave

A few seconds ticked by and I received another text message from Cole

Private number: let's strike a deal

I was curious on what the mischievous boy had come up with.

Me: on what?

Private number: on today

Me: I don't understand

Private number: if our team wins, we'll have a sleepover. If our team loses you can demand any favour that's within my reach of execution I won't say no.

Me: no

Private number: why not?

At that moment my mom walked in and began to rummage through her dresser "I think the mirror is somewhere around here."

Private number: come on, tell me why you said no.

Me: I feel like you're being unfair, like I'm at a disadvantage already or something.

Private number: I swear on my mother's life that I'm not trying to trick you or anything. Both teams are evenly matched, the probability of either team winning is equal.

Me: gosh, you need not swear on your mother. It's not that deep.

Private number: look on the bright side, if you win you get to ask me for anything within my reach. You could ask for a personal computer, free medical services, chocolates, and the likes.

Me: I could ask you to put on a skirt and a crop top and walk around in it for a day?

Private number: you have a wild imagination

Me: answer the question

Private number: yes, you can.

"Found it." My mom smiled victoriously before handing me a square shaped handheld mirror, I took it from her and laid it beside me.

Me: I could ask you to roll around in a pile of murky mud?

Cole: come on Olivia, you're really going to waste a beautiful opportunity like that?

Me: nah, just kidding.

I placed my phone face down and picked up the mirror. I was pleased with my reflection "i look so pretty, thanks Mom."

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