Round 5

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Chara headed to the room where they saw the mysterious figure before.

"What are you doing?" Frisk asked.

"Going to see if that guy is still there. I was g- wait. You know what? I don't have to tell you anything." Chara said, and then began ignoring Frisk.

She walked inside to find a yellow crewmate hunched over a computer. Before she could turn to leave the crewmate had spotted her.

"Oh my god! I didn't expect to see you so soon!" She said.

Chara looked confused.

"Umm... H-h-hiya! I'm Dr. Alphys! I'm Asgore's royal scientist! B-b-but I'm not one of the "bad guys"! Actually since you left Medbay I've, um... been observing your journey through my console. Your fights... Your friendships... Everything! I was originally going to stop you, but... Watching someone on a screen really makes you root for them. S-so now I want to help you! A-actually, umm, there's just this tiny issue... I made a robot body for this ghost, his name's Mettaton. I built him to be an entertainment robot. Uh, you know, like a robotic TV star or something. Anyway originally he was built to be, well, uhh... He... He has A-anti... anti-impostor combat features? Of c-course when I saw you coming I immediately decided that I have to remove those features! Unfortunately, I kinda made a teensy mistake while doing so. And, umm... Now he's an unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for human blood? Ehehehehe... heh. But, ummm, hopefully we won't run into him!"

Suddenly the pink crewmate crashed through the wall.

"IIIIIIIT'S SHOWTIME!!!" the pink crewmate who Frisk remembered was called "Mettaton" earlier said.

"That's right! It's time for today's quiz show! Everyone give a big hand for our wonderful contestant! Never played before gorgeous? No problem, it's simple! There's only one rule... answer correctly... OR YOU DIE!!!" Mettaton said, and then he blocks the way.

The options came up. Kill, sabotage, report, mercy. Chara clicked kill, Frisk screamed, and Mettaton dodged the attack. Then mettaton proceeded, asking a question as if nothing had happened.

"Let's start with an easy one! What's the prize for answering correctly?" Mettaton asked.

Options appeared in front of Chara:



New car

More questions

Frisk noticed that Alphys was making a "D" with her hands.

Chara however did not notice and clicked A.

"HAHAHA! You wish! Wrong!" Mettaton said.

An unavoidable beam of light cut their health in half. One more mistake, and it would be fatal.

"I'm out." Chara said, leaving Frisk's body, "You handle this!"

She then pushed Frisk toward their body. They didn't think that they would be able to feel their senses return again. But now Chara had once again gave them control to handle talking and befriending the others. Surely she would forcefully take control and kill them once Frisk had handled this. But during the time of their helplessness as a ghost, Frisk had finally devised a plan to save everyone. Or at least those who were left.

Mettaton asked another question, "What's the King's full name?"

Lord Fluffybuns

Fuzzy Pushover

Asgore Dreemurr

Dr. Friendship

Alphys made a C with her hands. Frisk clicked C, nodding at her in thanks.

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