There was a window overlooking the street below, it wasn't an altogether unpleasant view but didn't have anything truly noteworthy. They'd probably get a nice view of the sunset. Marinette placed her suitcase against the side of one of the armouries and turned to the two girls.

"How would you girls like to do this?"

"Oh, well, we'll share a bed- we always do when we travel and then you can have your own. And-"

"We're pretty lazy so we don't plan on putting our clothes away except for hanging up our uniforms." Marinette smiled, they would be easy to share with.

"Alright, that sounds good. If you'd like, we can take turns sharing beds."

"Nono, don't worry about it, Alex kicks." Marinette giggles as she opens up her suitcase, taking the uniform neatly folded on the top out. Marinette grabs a shirt hanger and puts her jacket and blouse on it before grabbing one of the hangers with clips and uses it to put her skirt in the closet. The other girls follow suit, everyone dedicating a spot to their bags and putting their toiletry bags on the bathroom counter before taking turns freshening up.

"Are you planning on seeing anyone you know while in town? Maybe old friends?"

"No, everyone I know is very busy. I plan on visiting Paris during the summer when there are no classes." The girls nodded, eventually making their way to a half full hallway. A few boys and girls were talking near the elevator, Mme Ruiz soon emerged, reminding them to practice their French. Students easily switched to French, most were practically fluent if they weren't already. Marinette didn't really know what to do, she didn't want to join their conversations but she didn't want to act as dejected or anxious as she felt, it would only bring more attention onto her.

What if they noticed and said she was only doing it for attention? Pretending to act bored because she used to live here? That she-

"You're only gain more attention by looking like that." Damian commented, quietly speaking to her as he looked at their peers with disinterest.

"Like what? I don't look like anything." Marinette defended, she saw his eyes snap to her as she spoke.

"Like a deer in headlights, perhaps Bambi is a good analogy." Marinette scowled at him, crossing her arms as she raised a brow at him.

"Bambi?" She challenged, eyeing him like he was insane.


"I'll remember that one, Monsieur Wayne. Care to tell me how you know who that is?" Damian stiffened at the question, admitting he'd been tied down and forced to watch it was embarrassing, but so was admitting that it was one of the very few movies he was willing to watch. Marinette knew she'd cornered him when his eyes moved from this impassive sweep of the room to her like he was a toddler that had been caught in a lie.

"I am not some robot that goes to school and turns off the moment I return home."

"That's not what I asked, Baby Bird." Marinette was gratified to see him scowl at her.


"You were bested by your brothers."

"tt, don't be ridiculous. He simply demanded we play it at family night."

"Awww, does demon spawn go to family night to bond?"

"Watch yourself, Marinette, you're now a continent away from my family's protection."

"If I remember correctly, I think I did a fine job without them. Now we're on my turf." Marinette watched Damian sigh, he was thinking of something.

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