Chapter ∞ Nineteen

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*Maddie's POV*

After I don't know how many hours I couldn't sleep for any longer so I decided to open my eyes. As I did, a pair of the most beautiful green eyes was staring at me already.

"Good morning." Michael said in his raspy but still very attractive morning voice as he smiled at me.

"Morning. What time is it?" I said and smiled back at him.

"It's only around half past nine. The others are still fast asleep." he said, leaning closer to me, trying to kiss me but before he could I put a finger on his soft lips.

"Mikey..I do like you more than just a friend but let's take it slow okay? I don't want to mess up our friendship." I explained.

"Okay. Can I still kiss you now?" he asked with a grin on his face.

"You won't give up, huh?" I asked and giggled.

"Nope." he said, giggling as well and then leaning in again.

"Ew get a room." Ashton's voice spoke up before Michael's lips got the chance to touch mine. Michael's cheeks turned a bit red and I think mine did as well as we leaned back and got out of each other's grip.

"I thought everyone was still sleeping?" I asked Michael in a confused voice.

"Well I was just a minute ago but then I heard you two talking so I got up and found you two almost making out." Ashton said before Michael got the chance to answer, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"We wouldn't have made out dude. We wanna take it slow." I said to Ash, standing up now as well.

"Chill down Maddie, I wasn't serious. I'm happy you two are happy together." he said and smiled now.

"We're not together yet but thank you." Michael joined in now, standing up as well.

"You're welcome. Now let's make some breakfast for us and Cake as well." Ash said heading to the kitchen with Michael and me following.

"Cake?" I asked and giggled.

"Yeah that's Luke and Cal's ship name." Michael said.

"Oh, that's brilliant." I said and laughed.

"Yup. Let's make breakfast now." Ash said again and that's what we did. We decided to make waffles with fruits and nutella. As soon as we were finished and put everything on the table, Luke and Calum walked into the kitchen, rubbing their eyes and stretching their arms.

"Good morning. Perfect timing, we just finished making breakfast." I said as I smiled at them.

"Yay." Cal said in a very tired voice and sat down. Luke followed him and sat down next to him and Ashton next to Luke, which left me and Michael to sit on the other side of the table. We all talked about random stuff while eating the very delicious waffles. I must say, Ashton was a very good cook. All Michael and I did was cut the fruits to be honest so it was basically just made by Ashton.

"I think I'm having a orgasm in my mouth right now." Michael said next to me, chewing another bite of his waffle. And I swear I almost died because I was chewing as well and almost choked because I couldn't hold back my laughter. First they all looked really worried at me but then we all started laughing again.

"I'm sorry." Michael said in between his giggles.

"It's alright, it was my fault anyway." I said, still out of breath of laughing so much. Slowly we all calmed down again.

"Well now you're having an orgasm in your mouth and later you'll have a real one." Calum said, winking at the both of us and I felt my cheeks heating up instantly.

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