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Author's Note: Yes, I am laughing right now as I write this. Enjoy..


The game had just begun and everyone scurried off to complete their tasks whilst the Imposters lurked within the ship, waiting to pounce on any victim they saw. The first place that I wanted to go to was Admin - because I had the stupid swiping task. Oh how I absolutely HATE the swiping task. I wanted to be done with it as QUICKLY as possible.

I was in Admin with Black trying to swipe the card as quickly as I could. It wouldn't go through as I struggled. This was obviously expected.

"Too fast."

"Too slow."

Gosh, pick a struggle!

My frustration was kicking in as I angrily muttered to myself. Black seemed to be doing the download task. It looked as if it was taking ages but he remained calm. Black turned around to face me. I think he was fiddling with the tasks.

He gave me a trusting look, and I felt as if he was innocent. I flashed a smile, feeling more calmer now. I knew I would be able to live with him by my side. He was always someone I counted on. I decided to try and swipe the card once again, hopefully receiving some sort of luck.

I finally got it and instantly felt relieved as if weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

"I did it!" I exclaimed as Black turned around to congratulate me.
He was interrupted when Purple strutted in, scanning the room with his eyes.

"Hows it going lovebirds?" He teased as he approached the wires task next to Black.

Black shifted uncomfortably when Purple got close.

Black rolled his eyes while blushing at Purple's comment and continued downloading the data. I caught his glance as he winked at me. I couldn't help but turn immensely bright pink as he did so. More pink than I already was.

"Sorry to break up the party. You two were CLEARLY having a moment." Purple chuckled again, breaking the silence.

I was almost ready to leave but it looked like Black wasn't done. I had no intention of ditching him, because one, I cared. And two, I knew he would keep me safe like always.

"Black are you coming with me?" I asked hopefully, secretly wishing he would follow me.

"I have to go to Navigation so maybe we can meet up later." Black answered but forced a smile.

I nodded, trying to hide my disappointment. I needed to go fix wires in Electrical. Everybody knew that it was the #1 death spot and anyone that went to cross its path would surely end up dead.

I knew what I needed to do and I knew my priorities. This was an important task, one that needed to be done. I was willing to sacrifice myself for the team. I just hoped that the Imposter was elsewhere, not hiding in Electrical.

"Well I better go, I guess. I am done here." I said finally, accepting my upcoming fate.

"Where are you going?" Black asked curiously, glancing over at Purple, who was smirking.

"To Electrical. I need to do wires." I replied.
"I got some other work to be done there."

Black gave me a queasy look and turned serious.

"Don't go alone." He warned.

I was fine. I didn't need him to come with me. I knew he had other tasks to do and for us to win, we needed to separate. I was scared, but I realised I would be fine.

"Black, I am going to be fine. You worry too much. Stay safe boys." I smiled as I headed out.

I glanced around me looking for the direction of the Electrical compartment. Nobody was around so I hurried down to the death spot.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading the first chapter lol. Feel free to vote, it would really make me happy. Okay byee <3

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