"Then how did you mean it?" Nasir asked. 

"Nas calm down." I pleaded. 

"No! Say what the fuck you wanna say. Lottie wasn't just some bitch! She was the love of my fucking life and the mother of my child." Nasir said. 

"And look where she is? She's fucking dead!" Tyrell said. "I don't blame her either. I rather be dead than deal with this bullshit." 

The next thing I knew Nasir punched Tyrell in the face. Tyrell was on the ground and Nasir was on top of him punching him non-stop. I looked at Kiana and she was scared. I went over to Nasir and pulled Nasir off of him. But Nasir wasn't letting up. I tried again but when I got off Nasir I put him in a headlock. 

"Nas, stop. Think about Kiana." I said. 

Nas yanked me off as Roe and Veronica came downstairs. Veronica grabbed Kiana and went back upstairs. 

"Go clean yourself up, you're bleeding on my floor." I said.

Tyrell left and then Nasir went into the kitchen. 

"That shit was intense." Shaun said.

"He's just upset about Lottie." I said.

"About that... what are we gonna do? Lottie's death is on Lauren's hands. Nephew, she's got to go." Shaun said. 

"I got a plan." I said. 

"Care to share?" Shaun asked. 

"Nope." I said. 

I walked away from Shaun and went to go check on Nasir. I know this was hard on him. Everything happened so fast that we're all in shock. I know we are at war but Lauren's crossed the line and she's got to be stopped. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Lauren Castillo

After days of recovering what was fucking left of my product and cash, I finally had business running smoothly again. I was walking through the warehouse when one of my henchmen approached me. He whispered in my ear and I was intrigued. 

"Well this is a pleasant surprise." I said. 

"Hey Lauren." Tyrell said. 

"Tyrell what brings you here?" I asked. 

"You told me that I was on the wrong side." Tyrell said.

"I did." I said. 

"Well now I'm thinking maybe you're right. Dave isn't the boss I thought he was. He'c become clouded and emotional. The way he's been acting... it's gonna get someone else killed." Tyrell explained. 

"And what does this have to do with me?" I questioned.

Tyrell exhaled heavily. "I don't want that person to be me." 

I smiled. "You're so pathetic."

"What?" Tyrell questioned. 

"You come in here and beg me to help you, but not too long ago you declined me offer." I said. 

Tyrell shrugged. "Survival of the fittest. I've done more with a lot less."

"What you call survival, I called being a pussy." I said.

Tyrell clenched his jaw. "You gonna help me or not?"

I loved making Tyrell angry. It turned me on a little.

"Come with me." I said grabbing Tyrell's arm. "Let me show you your new place of business." 

Later That Night

Roni Quinn

My heart was pounding like crazy. The waiting made me anxious and stressed. Another minute passed by and I was more nervous than scared. I picked up the pregnancy test and looked at the results. 

"Holy shit." I mumbled. 

Positive. The test was positive. I was pregnant. I'm pregnant. I sat down on the floor feeling numb. I couldn't be pregnant at least not right now with everything going on.

"Fuck!" I screamed. 

Seconds later, there was a knock on the door. 

"Veronica, you ok?" Dave asked. 

"Y-y-yea I'm fine. " I managed to say.

"Can you come out here? We need to talk." Dave said. 

I got off the floor and threw the pregnancy test away. I opened the bathroom door and Like I Want You x Giveon started to play. Dave was dressed in a different suit with socks on. There were candles lit all around the room. What the fuck? 

"Dave what is all this?" I asked. 

He held his hand out. "Dance with me." 

I grabbed Dave's hand and he spun me around before pulling me close to him. 

"This isn't how I wanted to do this, but now seems like a good time." Dave said. 

"Good time for what?" I asked. 

"I love you so much Veronica Quinn. I am in love with you that I can't get enough of how you make me feel. I've become a better man because of you. I've seen life in a different light. I don't want to be without you." Dave said. 

He got down on one knee and my heart started pounding again. Dave pulled out a grey suede box and when he opened it, I almost passed out. 

"Veronica Quinn, will you marry me?" Dave asked. 

"Holy shit." I said. "Yes!"

My hand was shaking as he put the ring on my finger. I gave him a hug and kiss. The smell of his cologne filled my nose as we celebrated this happy moment. We pulled away and I looked in Dave's eyes. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Why not?" Dave said. 

I gave him another hug. I knew I should've told him about me being pregnant but he's got a lot going on right now. I just want us to be safe before we even think about what's next for us. 

The Beast: Unfinished Business ( Dave East )Where stories live. Discover now