Breaking hearts - Starker

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Peter will come swinging through the open balcony door, sweaty and panting and grinning like he won the lottery. He’ll rip his mask off, throw it carelessly on the coffee table and drag Tony to his feet, kiss him and whisper a quiet hello, handsome . He’ll tell Friday to play their song, and start swaying Tony around the living room floor, high on adrenaline, singing along to the words, sounding like an angel. 

Don't be afraid of the monsters

Tony will sit on the couch, watch the elevator. It’ll open any second now. Peter will come skipping in, beam at him and drop his backpack by the kitchen table. He’ll start talking a mile a minute about what happened at work. What the kids are gossiping about.

Don't be afraid of the dark

He’ll kiss Tony’s cheek, ask about his day, and Tony will tell him how boring it was, how he wished Peter was there with him, distracting him from the boring meetings. 

Peter will laugh, and drop next to Tony, lean his head on his shoulder and close his eyes. He’ll complain about New York traffic and Tony will comb through his hair, and tell him that Happy is in fact their driver for a reason.

Don't be afraid of the future

Peter will come to bed, drag his feet across the carpeted floor, and faceplant the pillow, exhausted and worn out after a long day trying to explain the periodic table to thirty distracted ten-year-olds, and chasing the Green Goblin across the city. 

Tony will wrap his arms around him, kiss him on the top of the head and tell him how much he loves him. How lucky he is to have Peter in his bed. And Peter will smile, and whisper a quiet I love you, too .

Cause i'll be here to be the shield around your heart

Peter will come home. They’ll eat takeout on the floor, watch crappy rom-coms on netflix and have nerf gun wars. Everything will be fine, everything will go back to normal. 


Tony barges into the lab, mind whirring with ideas. He can fix this. He just needs a little time. He can undo this. He han bring Peter back. He’s done it before. He can do it again. He just needs to figure out how. 

He’s vibrating with excited nerves. He’s getting Peter back. This isn’t it. This isn’t the end. It’s just a hiccup. A bump in the road. 

If you'd go down, if you'd fall

He stares at the screen in front of him. Eyes dry and itchy. What time is it? It doesn’t matter. Time is irrelevant. He needs to figure this out. He needs more coffee. He just needs to go over the equations one more time.

If only Peter was here to help me, he thinks, but then he quickly shakes the thought out of his head. He’ll be back. I can bring him back.  

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