I don't do relationships - Starker

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Peter cracks the door open and peaks his head out in the hallway. His hair standing out in every direction, eyes trained for the smallest sight of movement and ears straining enough to hair every single heartbeat on the floor.

He is glad he doesn't live at the compound all the time, all the sounds of bed sheets rustling and people snoring would have made him crazy. He actually prefers to sleep in his own bed back in Queens, where he can fall asleep to the steady stream of cars on the streets and people walking around at all hours. Its oddly soothing and so much more home than being stashed into an oversized hotel room, stuffed in between a green raging giant and a robot unable to fathom the concept of privacy.

He doesn't mind that Tony Stark gave him his own room with the avengers though. Even if he isn't a part of the team. Sometimes big things happen in his part of town, and he can't just sit by and watch. And apparently helping the avengers also means very long and tedious meetings afterwards to go over every single step they all did.

Not at all Peter's favourite part of solving crime. It is boring, and doesn't do anything to his rapidly anxious body as he comes down from his adrenaline high. Fidgety and shaking and mind spinning all over the place he generally can't focus on these things anyway.

But he gets to spend the night. Not with any real plan of actually sleeping, he puts his suit and mask back on after a long and calming shower, and silently crawls up to the ceiling. The corridor is dark, he can hear every slow and steady heartbeat around him, but he's not really able to concentrate that much, and bumping into a sleepy avenger in the kitchen while casually walking upside down isn't going to help anyone. If anything, the poor soul he would no doubt stumble upon if he were to actually sneak around without his mask (parker luck prime example right there) would probably end up with a heart attack and the whole night would be ruined too.

He scurries across the hall quickly. Neither wanting to nor able to waste any more time, and knocks on the door to his destination. It opens before he even manages to retract his hand and is left staring straight into a set of dark chocolate eyes. Confusion passes through for a second before an eyebrow shoots up and the older man is looking at him with a mix of poorly hidden amusement and faux irritation.

"Parker. Get down from the damn ceiling. What did I tell you about shoe prints and explaining it to the others?" Right. Peter had honestly forgotten about being on the wrong surface all together, but he jumps down in one swift move and pushes the other hero into the room and kicks the door shut.

"Do you have any idea what your ass in that stupidly awesome nanotech suit is doing to me, Mr. Stark? Don't you ever torture me through a meeting like that again." he growls into the older man's neck as he pins him to the wall with one hand and rips his mask off with the other.

He doesn't hesitate or wait for any kind of answer as he latches his mouth to the very exposed skin and enjoys the increasingly ragged breathing instead.


In all honesty, Peter didn't plan on falling asleep in the billionaire's bed. He was supposed to have some mind-blowing post battle sex and quietly tip toe his way back to his glorified hotel room.

So, he's a little confused, and groggy and somehow it feels like he has the worst hangover ever when an alarm goes off at way-too-early and he doesn't recognize it. At all.

He grunts and squints his eyes open, looking straight into a messy mop of salt and pepper hair. He can feel the hot breath on his collar bone, but the alarm is really making his head pound in his ears, and he's kind of starting to panic, because Tony is just adorable when he's sleeping, but Peter shouldn't be here and this is all going to be a really hot mess if anyone decides to walk through that door right now.

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