I don't need your blessing - Peter PArker/James Rhodes

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Peter is almost vibrating out of his own skin with excitement. He's squirming in his seat, and his mind is running away from him, thinking about everything he'll do to his boyfriend once they get back together.

Six weeks is a long time apart, and it certainly does things to Peter's patience. They have spent long periods of time apart before. They don't really have that much choice, with Peter being Spider-Man and doing his thing, and Rhodey working with the military and the Avengers (Not that there's much of them left, anyway). But it makes the reunion all the better. Six weeks though. That's a stretch. 

He wishes they could spend the night at his place, tangled together on the bed, just touching each other, and talking in hushed tones and removing every ounce of stress and worry. But they can't both skip out on the welcome-home movie night Tony has planned, so Peter's intentions to smother his boyfriend will have to wait. 

Tony enters his lab, effectively dragging Peter out of his head, and the older man smirks at him.

"Mr. Parker! I don't believe I pay you to sit here and day dream. Unless it's me you're dreaming about, that is." He winks and Peter just can't wait for Rhodey to get back, so he can forget all about Tony's shameless flirting.


Rhodey is sitting in one of Tony's helicopters, tapping his foot impatiently as he watches the city underneath him.

It feels good to be back. He's really looking forward to spend the evening at the compound with Tony. But his mind is not thinking too much about him at the moment. He's stuck with a perfect picture of a doe eyes young man with a wide smile that stretches across his face, soft curls bouncing on his head as he skips, because just walking somewhere is ridiculous, Rhodey. Live a little.

There's this undying energy trapped under that perfect, porcelain skin, so everything he does, is done with just a pinch of extra. It's one of the many things that had Rhodey fall for him in the first place. 

He imagines stepping out of the elevator and having Peter envelope him and trap him with all that hidden strength, tasting the sweetness on his lips and burying his nose in the scent of vanilla and apples that is just so Peter.

But he knows that can't happen. Tony would kill him if he knew. If he found out that Rhodey- his trusted friend and brother, the only one he has left after the mess with Steve- has taken his mentee, protege and makeshift son… Rhodey doesn't even want to think about it. 


Tony helps Peter clean up his lab before they head off to the compound. He can't help but notice the way Peter is smiling to himself, completely lost in his own world. He wants to know what's so distracting. 

He's not used to being set aside like this. He's Tony Stark. Iron man. Peter has idolized him for years. And now that Tony has finally given himself permission to act upon his ever growing attraction for the young man, he isn't even acknowledging his presence. What changed? Did he meet someone while in college? Tony's pretty sure he haven't heard anything about it, but then again, he was pretty distant for a while, trying to keep himself together and not step over the line.

One Shot CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora