Prologue 3: The last operation

Start from the beginning

The 2 destroyers then began chasing at the retreating ships

'I've already had enough with these absurd orders, it leaves me with no choice now.'

"Take aim on the destroyers.... and fire!"

"What?! But sir, they are our destroyers!" His men said

" Civilians shouldn't be affected, they deserve this. This mission was a suicidal one anyways. So....  open fire....  now" he said, his aura and eyes making his men submit to his orders. Since they were not pro-Nazis like their commander, and just men forced to be a soldier, they followed their commander's command fired at the destroyers. 

*BOOOM* The ship's frontal Gustav guns fired, it was accompanied by bang so loud that it could shatter glass from a far away. With deadly accuracy, 5 out of the 6 shells that was fired managed to hit the 2 destroyers, sinking them instantly.

"What in ze fuck, what are you doin-" the other commander replied, but got cut off by Gisborough

"An eye for an eye, and the world goes blind... Fire!" he replied, followed by a loud bang by his rear battleship guns. Striking the M-class Battleship

"You fucking traitor! All ships, attack!" the other commander shouted, followed by a barrage of shells to the lone battleship.

They kept exchanging barrages after barrage, the cruisers surrounding KMS Jaëger while the 2 other battleships fired from afar. Despite being outnumbered 4 to 1. After 30 mins of fighting, He managed to single handedly sink the second battlegroup. With the armaments proving decisive for their victory. Fortunately for them, they received minimal damage with only some secondary guns being knocked out. 

- - -

But that wasn't the end, as they were then engaged by the 1st Battlegroup a mere 40 mins after the battle, who received the distress signal of the 2nd battlegroup. They were only a few miles away from where the battle happened when they were sailing to their required route, of which they changed upon receiving the signal.

The 1st fleet brought with them, 4 battleships 5 cruisers, 5 destroyers, and 10 patrol boats, they wasted no time and quickly headed to the lone Battleship. A massive battle is about to begin.

His men stared at the gigantic fleet that was going to engage them, this quickly made their morale worst. Only Gisborough was the one unfazed.


He took a deep breath, then said to his men:

"If you win, you live. If you die, you lose. If you don't fight, then you can never win......So fight, until the end." he said to his men, which their morale improved upon hearing.

"Yes kommandant!" They all shouted


He wasted no time and began ordering his men. For this battle will decide their fate. 




The calmness of the sea quickly disappeared, now replaced with the sound of the turrets of the mighty steel beasts. Torpedoes from both sides quickly filled the sea targeting their prey like sharks, the blue sky now filled with smoke and shells. 

- - - - - - - - -  Some time later

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