Liar: Quackity

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Request: Yes, user43392681
Prompt: Dream shows up and tells Pogtopia a traitor is among them, Y/n is shocked when she discovers who the traitor is.

Request: Yes, user43392681Prompt: Dream shows up and tells Pogtopia a traitor is among them, Y/n is shocked when she discovers who the traitor is

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Quackity and I were peacefully walking around Pogtopia. He made the best decision ever and left Jshlatt and decided to join Pogtopia. It was a huge win-win situation for me because one- I could finally work with my boyfriend and two- he would finally be leaving Shlatt. I never liked the way he did business, and I especially did not like the way he treated Quackity.

"Y/n?" I heard a voice say snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned and saw Quackity staring at me. "Sorry got lost in thought what's up?" I asked and stopped walking now turning to face him. He looked at me nervously as his expression turned into one, I couldn't exactly pinpoint. "Wilbur sent me a message on my receiver" he said. I nodded encouraging him to keep going. "Dream is at Pogtopia and Wilbur needs us back right now" my eyes widened. I quickly grabbed his arm and started running to Pogtopia.

Wherever Dream went he caused chaos so him being at Pogtopia sent me on edge.


"Quackity, Y/n so good to see you make it" Dream said noticing Quackity and I coming down the stairs. I scoffed "Unfortunately I can't say the same to you Dream" he chuckled "Pleasant as always Y/n" I rolled my eyes. "Why are you here Dream?" Quackity asked. "I'm getting to that, Shlatt has asked me to sign something, but I unfortunately can't tell you what that is just yet" he said then paused with a smirk on his face. "What does that have to do with why your here?" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I am so glad you asked me that Y/n. When I was over there, he gave me some interesting information" I nodded slowly and waited for him to continue. "Amongst you all lies a traitor" my eyes widened, and my hearts speed picked up. "Just thought I should tell you see you around" he said and left before anyone could ask further questions.

"Tommy" Wilbur said sternly and looked at him with an angry expression on his face. I was shocked that Wilbur could even think such a thing about Tommy after everything Tommy has done for Pogtopia. Tommy's face fell at Wilbur's accusation. "What?! I'm always hanging out with Tubbo or fixing up Pogtopia I wouldn't do this Wilbur. I got fucking exiled for Pogtopia" he said and took deep breaths.

"I believe you Tommy" he said and turned to the next person which was me. I scoffed "Wilbur Soot do not even go there with me I have been there for you since everything I even got exiled and I never once left your side or given you a reason to believe that I would ever betray you. Same thing with Tommy he's been here from the beginning and the fact that you would accuse me says a lot. You know Wilbur maybe it's you" I said and glared at him before going to my room.

I sighed and crawled into my bed. My thoughts were eating at me. Why would someone betray us? Why now? I groaned and threw the blanket over me and slowly fell asleep.


I furrowed my eyebrows hearing a small thud again. I kept hearing faint thumps, but I thought it was Tommy and Tubbo just causing ruckus. I sighed and got up deciding to go check it out. I followed the sound of the noise and saw a big hole into the ground. "What?" I said and looked inside of it and saw TNT. I saw someone planting it, but I didn't see who. The culprit turned around reaching for more TNT but saw me looking down on them. "Quackity?" I whispered my voice sounding hoarse.

I slowly backed away as Quackity crawled out. "Y/n listen to me" he said and slowly walked towards me the more I backed away. "It's you" I said then quickly booked it running up the stairs. "Y/n wait!" I heard Quackity say faintly.

I gasped and ran faster hearing Quackity speed up. I bumped into someone and looked up falling into their embrace. It was Wilbur. "Wilbur, please you have to help! it's Quackity he-" I tried speaking but got cut off as Wilbur roughly grabbed my wrists and put a cloth up to my nose. I tired pushing him away but to no avail. "That's not a part of the plan!" I heard a faint voice say and I slowly passed out feeling myself fall into someone's arms.

@deadlyloserr speaks! 🍒
- Updated version!
794 words.

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