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(WARNING: Smoking)

[Don't smoke kids]

Kramer placed the cigarette between his cracked lips. He inhaled and smoke filled his lunges. He threw his cigarette on the sidewalk and stepped on is to smother the embers. He threw the black hood of his MCR hoodie up. He walked in the gates of the High School, students staring at him. 

He rolled his eyes at there grazes and walked up the cracked steps. He entered the building  and turned right into the office. He walked to the plastic shelf in the far right corner that said 'New Student?' and grabbed the schedule that said "Theys, Kramer, Jackson". He walked out of the hallway, his boot's scuffing up the tile floors.

"Mister, no hoods in school!" He heard a teacher call. He rolled his eyes, but pulled his hood down.

Kramer waled down the pungent hallway, towards his locker. He arrived at his destination and began to work on the lock.

"Percy? Is that you?" a boy's voice that hadn't finished puberty rang.

Kramer began to turn, his eyes covered by his bangs. All of the sudden, the gold eyed boy was crushed in a hug. Kramer immediately stiffened, not used to being touched by another being.

"It is you! It's been so long dude! Where have you been?" The squeaky boy asked. He released Kramer from his hold and looked up. "Dude, what happened to you're eyes? Why are you pale? And why do you smell like cigarette smoke? Are you emo now?" 

"Callum, I don't think that's Percy." a girl with red hair and blue eyes said.

"She's right." Kramer growled, whipping his shoulders off.

"It's not? But he looks exactly like him." The squeaky boy, now known as Callum, said.

Kramer heard Percy ranting in his head about how Callum was kinda annoying and how he always bugged Percy for answers. Over all, he was a big jerk. "Buddy? Can you just like, bug off. I don't want a little bee buzzing in my ear. Especially an annoying weirdo with a strange addiction to Blogs." he said, while shoving Callum away.

The blonde hair boy flushed bright red. "How d-d-did you kn-n-now that?" he stuttered.

"A little birdy told me. Now get the Hera out of my way." Kramer walked and shoved Callum out of the way.

"You're messing with the wrong person man!" He screamed from the floor.

"Does it look like a give a Flora?" He called behind him.

"Did he just curse with the roman goddess of flowers?" The redheaded girl asked.

"Yes, yes he did." they heard Kramer call from a distance.

(A/N: There you go! I am sorry that it's late, I've been busy doing chores. Also, @JasperDemigods created a google classroom for Percy Jackson fans to communicate and share memes. The code, if you want to join, is ajvxqv5. My Tendonitis is killing me so I am going to take a break. Stay safe yall.)

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