Five (Rewritten)

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Percy could hear Perseus and Kramer groan. He couldn't agree more with them. Tartarus got on all of there nerves. First of all, he is the one that combined the Jackson triplets, and plus, he's just really annoying.

The camper grabbed there respective weapons and charged up the hill, they made it to the top of the hill before realizing the monsters weren't attacking. They all stood still, No one moved a muscle. The red fog was still slowly rolling over the valley and the cold wind still blew.

"Nice hair dye Percy." Tartarus finally replied. The campers gave confused glances and Percy shot him a glare. "Dang do they still not know?"

"Know what?" Annabeth asked. "Does this have something to do with the eye-glowy thing?"

Tartarus chuckled. "Dang Percy. You honestly are the worst friend ever."

He's not wrong about that.

He's not wrong you idiot

"Oh shut it! You guys are not much better." Percy replied.

"Which one are you talking too? Me or-" Tartarus asked

Percy scowled "Both."

"I am sorry, but what is going on?" Chiron asked.

"Long story." Percy replied.

"Good thing I can show you." Tartarus said, grinning mechanically.

"Don't you da-" Parcy started but he was interrupted by being surrounded by black water.

He was completely emerged in the water and everyone lost sight of him. Soon the water was retracted and it reviled a very wet Percy. His dye was washed out and his contacts forgotten.

Everyone gasped at him and he rolled his eyes. "What? Never seen a demigod like this before?"

Actually you're the first one idiot.

"Am not" Percy said, receiving  wired glances.

Are too

"Am not"

Are too

"Am not"

Are too

"Am not"

Am not 

"Are too. OH GO TO TARTARUS YOU IDIOT." Percy screamed.

Been there done that, I even went to the gift shop. Got a shirt that said "I Love Tartarus "and a mug with "I hate Percy Jackson"  on it.

"Wait, there's a gift shop?"

Oh sure there is.


So what you do is-

"Will you shut up please? It sucks when you can't hear both sides of the spats between you three." Tartarus said rubbing his forehead. Percy rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry but what the heck his going on? Why is he talking to him self?" Annabeth quizzed. 

"Yeah I'll explain it all in a sec but wait just a minute." Tartarus aid while waving is hand. Sea green gold and red smoke swirled around Percy and he began to float. All of the sudden a bright light boomed and when the everyone regained there senses, Three beings stood. 

The first being the normal Percy with all black hair and all green eyes, with a beautiful tan. The next one had all white hair, and stilted red eyes. He was wearing the same outfit as the night before. The second being pulled out a knife and swung it around. The third and final one had black rip jeans, Black MCR hoodie, a black beanie, beaten Converse and a cigarette between his cracked lips. His pale skin was obvious with his dark hair and gold eyes


(A/N: Fancy seeing you all here. Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow. And for any Keeper of the Lost City fan's, check out my fanfiction: The What Ifs. That's all folks.)

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