Chapter 1

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Hi I'm so excited to be writing the ben Fankhauser book. I hope you guys enjoy this but in the meanwhile I have four other books that you could read. (yes a shameless book promo)


Allisons apartment

Today was the day your sister was going to be taking you backstage at Newsies at the Papermill Playhouse so you could see her perform as Katherine Plumber. You were really excited, Andrew Keenan Bolger, and Jeremy Jordan were some of your idols.

You got dressed into some light blue jeans and a white knit sweater. Your hair was down and straightened. Kara was coming to pick you up in about-

The doorbell rang. You rushed over and answered it. "Hey you ready?" she said while smiling.

"Yeah just let me get my bag" you said while getting your backpack which contained a notebook, a pen, your phone, laptop, charger, and headphones. "Jeez what did you pack?" she said with a giggle.

You glared at her and said "well you know I'm studying journalism and writing at Harvard". You were taking online classes at Harvard university. How you got into that school you would never know.

The drive over to the theater was loud considering the two of you yelling the lyrics to your favorite songs.

As the two of you walked into the theater your eyes met with a tall (cute) brown haired, green eyed boy. He stopped walking for a second as he stared at you. You felt yourself blush.

"Hey you coming?" Kara asked. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm coming" you responded.

She smiled and said "That's Ben he's twenty and single" while pointing at him. "What?" you asked her. "Allie I know you were staring at him you're still blushing by the way he's coming over here bye" she said while running off.

"Hi I'm Ben Fankhauser and you are?" he asked with a smile. "uh Hi I'm Allison Lindsay Karas sister" you said awkwardly. He smiled and said "Oh wow you're Karas sister".

You giggled and said "Yeah I just got out of an online class". "Oh really what school do you go to?" he said while walking to Karas dressing room.

"Um I go to Harvard online" you said. "Oh so you're smart" he joked. "I don't know not really I guess. I'm surprised they even let me apply" you said.

"What do you major in? Oh wow I'm just asking so many questions sorry" he said. You smiled and said "It's fine. I'm majoring in writing and journalism".

He smiled and said "that's cool look I have to go get dressed but maybe I can see you after?" You smiled and said "Yeah for sure".

Heheh sorry for the VERY short chapter but yeah anyways I will have a much longer chapter out tomorrow.

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