"Jaehyun," I look him dead in the eyes, "you're supposed to be the smart one between us."

"We're screwed."



"Alright, class is dismissed at the bell. Those of you on clean up duty be sure to stay behind."

"Yes Mrs. Kim." the class stands and bows to the teacher as she gets ready to leave.

"Kim Taeyeon, the principal is waiting to start the meeting," Mr. Kim, the teacher next door, calls out to our home room teacher from the doorway.

"Yes, I'll be right there. Class I will be stepping out, don't forget about the homework."

"Yes ma'am." we all synchronized.

"Hey, Jaehyun," I call out to my friend, who sits in front of me.

"What's up?" he turns in his chair.

"First of all, stop making that stupid bread face,"

"Aye, Minji thinks it's cute," he frowns and hits my arm.

"Haha, ok whatever. Secondly, let's go eat some fish cake after school, since there's no practice today because of the teacher meeting."

"Alright, I'm down."

"Cool," I smile and lean back in my chair. "I'll tell you everything..." I mumble to myself once Jaehyun turns back around to pack his things.


"Yuta, I had no idea you're dad was like that."

"Yeah, well, I kept pretty quiet about it."

The two of us sway back and forth slightly on the park swings. We got our fish cake to go and decided to chill at the park for a while.

"Still, I'm sorry I never noticed. I'm a terrible friend." He mumbled the last bit to himself but I still heard it. His shoes kick at the dirt under the swing, eyes fixed on his laces.

"Hey, no you're not, you've always been there for me as a pillar to lean on, even if you didn't know. If anything, I'm the terrible friend for not confiding in you sooner,"

"Nah dude, we're both just stupid."

"Hey," I laugh at him, kicking his swing to the side "speak for yourself."

"Hey! I coulda dropped my fish cake," he kicks me back. After quiet down, I hear him hum.

"So, why don't you just tell her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Yuta, just tell Eunji how you feel. I'm sure she doesn't mean to make you uncomfortable but you need to be straightforward with her. Trust me, I would know." he rubs his temples, and I can only imagine all the shit they've been through.

"I don't want to hurt her feelings though. I can see she's trying and I don't want to undermine that."

"She'll understand, she's been in your shoes, ya know?" Jaehyun tilts his head in my direction.

"You mean middle school?"

"Yeah, when her parents split. She's probably the one person who can actually empathize with you so she probably feels somewhat responsible for you too."

"Yeah, I guess. But she made my life hell in middle school. Like, I kinda felt like she was taking her frustrations from home out on me back then. Is that weird that I think that?"

"Uhm, I'm not allowed to comment on that, if you want an answer go talk to her," my friend rubs the nape of his neck, avoiding my eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I squint my eyes at him. "Wait, you mean she was taking her anger out on me back then?"

"Like I said, I'm not allowed to comment on that, it's an entirely different subject and it has nothing to do with me, so..."

"Jae, you know her being a bitch back then was the whole reason she and I stopped getting along right?"

"Uhm... so how's Hansuke?"

"Don't change the subject."

"Too late!" He grins. I roll my eyes at him, sighing.

"Whatever. It's in the past. I guess I'll just tell her straight out to stop babying me. Should be fine, right?"

"For sure... and thanks for telling me," he smiles, patting my shoulder.

"Thanks for listening."


hey guys.

sorry the update took so long college is a bitch lol. btw is this book even any good? please leave comments or suggestions so i can improve cuz i'm writing this for you guys lol.

anyways hope you guys enjoyed the chapter❤️

bye hoes.

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