Chapter 16

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Hansuke's pov:

Everyone looked confused.

I could hear murmurs of questions as soon as coach Choi finished his sentence.

"The captains already been chosen?"

"Does that mean he didn't try out?"

"Or it could mean it's one of us!"

I roll my eyes at the students, why in the world would the coach choose one of us if he just saw us today alone? Fools.

"I can tell some of you are confused, so let me clarify some things." the coach states, gathering everyone's attention. "Like I said, you've all already met him," coach holds back a giggle and swiftly covers his mouth so none of us see, " however, I think some of you misunderstood. None of the students who tried out today will be captain for the junior team. The captain is someone who I have seen play before and was on the team last year."

Complete silence.

"I will be introducing him to the team after the final selection so do not expect me to say who it is out loud, because I won't. Everyone is dismissed."

With that coach Choi walks away, leaving just the students on the field.


A loud scream is heard from the bleachers as everyone's surprised faces, including my own turn to see who the lunatic is.

"Good job my baby chick!!!"

"BAHAHAHAHA!" Chenle, one of Jisung's friends, laugh is heard after Jisung's older sister yells.

Jisung is now a fiery scarlet as he covers his face while making hand motion to his sister to stop.  Everyone on the field laughs, including the seniors, who already know that Eunji will be like this the rest of the year if Jisung gets on the team. I snicker at the thought of Jisung getting embarrassed.

"Wow I wish I had an older sister that supported me like that," Renjun sighs.

"Dude, you do have an older sister." Jeno states.

"Yeah but she's annoying." We all scoff in return, we know they're actually close.

"Alright everyone, you're dismissed so you can all shower and head home. Be expecting the results tomorrow." Yuta claps to gather everyone's attention from Eunji, who is still yelling and waving at her brother.

With that everyone breaks away from the large group of boys and walks to the locker room with their friends.

"Yuta hyung! Jungwoo hyung!" Donghyuk runs up to our seniors.

"Aye how's our little Haechan?" Yuta smiles and ruffles Donghyuk's hair.

"Hyung you could've gone a little easier on us during the game ya know?" Jeno says, pouting.

"Psh, don't be a sore loser, Jeno." Jungwoo sasses, giving emphasis on the word loser.

"In a real game would your opponent go easy on you? No, because the goal is to win, right?" Yuta responds.

"What we were trying to do today was find out what you would all be like in a game against challenging players like us, we wanted to see skill and strategy. You guys did a good job, don't worry about it too much." Sicheng approaches us to reassure us first years. I guess he can tell that the match against them was really difficult for us.

"Jisung! Jaemin! Chenle!" Park Eunji yells as she runs down the bleachers onto the field. She collided with her brother and his friends into a big bear hug. I can't help but watch with a slight smile as the sibling love they have for each other warms my heart. Wait what? Nah, what Yuta and I have is better than that.

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