Chapter 23

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Yuta's pov:

Ugh, I hate this.

I can't help but let a scowl form on my face as I sit on the grass of the school yard, thinking back about how it got to this point.

Ever since me and Eunji had that talk, I feel like she's pitying me. Every day she does the same thing....

"Hey Yuta, how are you feeling today?"

"Hey Yuta, I got you some strawberry milk to cheer you up a bit,"

"Hey Yuta, let's get some rice porridge later, it's supposed to be healing food right? Maybe you could use some."

Like.... what the fuck. I know she means well but I honestly hate this feeling of needing help, especially from her. Just last week we couldn't even be in the same room together, and now she's acting like we're super close just because she knows some things about my home life.

Ugh, I'm getting a headache. I pinch my nose bridge in frustration, laying back on the itchy grass. It's lunchtime, but I didn't feel like eating with my friends today, so here I am,  under the shade of a pathetic excuse of a tree, back pressed against the yellow-green pasture our school doesn't even take care of. I sling my arm over my face, not sure what to do.

"Hey," I hear a voice above me call out, along with a slight nudge to my left leg.

"Yah," I say, removing my arm to get a good look at the person who disturbed me. "You have the audacity to kick your captain while he's resting?"

Jaehyun chuckles before crouching down next to me, one hand on his knee for support while the other offers me a wrapped snack from the vending machine.

"You didn't have lunch today, right? I got this for you."

"Thanks,"  I mumble, sitting up and opening up the colorful plastic packaging.

"What are you doing over here by yourself?" I shrug in response, mouth full of the bread.

"I get it, sometimes you just need space for yourself, right?"

I nod, and we sit for a minute, neither one speaks. The silence is comforting, only the sound of the breeze running through the tree's branches can be heard.

"Something's bothering you, I can feel it."I flinch and turn to luck at him in surprise.

"Haha, don't give me that look. Of course I can tell when something is wrong with you, we've been friends for years already, Yuta."

I sigh, biting my lip and running a hand through my hair. "Yeah, you're right."

"See, I knew it." he nudges me and smiles. "Now the question is, do you wanna talk about it or do you want to be distracted from it?"

"That's the best thing you could ever ask me," I laugh, nudging him back with my elbow.

"Hey, I'm not gonna force you to talk about it if you don't want to, but I do wanna help you."

"Thanks man, I'll let you know when I wanna talk about it, but right now I just wanna chill with my friend."

"Alright, I can do that."

"Now the question is..." I mock his voice.

"Hey don't mock me," we laugh.

"Did you study for the math exam?"

His smile immediately fades, face going pale. "Is that today?"

"Dude..." I say in disbelief.

"Did you study?" He asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

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