Chapter 13

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Hansuke's pov:

Is this what a heart attack feels like? The thought suddenly makes it way to my head.

"Nah, it's more likely cardiac arrest." Yuta says this in a monotone. My eyes widen when he responds to my thoughts. Did I say that out loud?

"Yes," he says, causing me to blush because I've been saying this out loud to him without knowing.

"Ok listen, I'm going to give you some advice for dealing with Eunji before they get into ear shot," he grabs me by my shoulders, looks into my eyes as I wait for the advice I've been eager to hear. "Oh shit they're here, brace yourself."

What the fuck.

"What's up, fuckers?" Eunji is the first to great us, giving me a glare that could kill.

"Ah, Eunji, charming as always. Just what a lady should be." Yuta smirks.

"Yuta, you're looking as handsome as a proboscis monkey today."

"Why thank you. My you look lovely, almost as nice as a blob fish after receiving tremendous tissue damage."

My attempt to hold on my laugh fails as I snort at the remarks they make. Eunji snaps her head in my direction upon hearing this and is about to begin what I can only guess is my death, when Jisung's laugh cuts her off before she even starts.

"What are you two laughing at?" The disgust on her face is clear as day. Immediately we go silent, Yuta shaking his head, disappointed at our representation of the male species.

"Uh, can we sit down now?" Jisung looks to his sister, waiting for her cue to join us at the table.

"You don't have to ask me, Ji, just sit." She sighs, also disappointed in the male species.

I sit on the edge of the table, Yuta is to my left, taking the window seat. Eunji sits across from him, also in the window seat, while Jisung is to her left, across from me. We stay like this for a few minutes, more than enough time for the thick tension to make an appearance among the table. The silence is starting to get uncomfortable, Yuta clearing his throat being the only form of noise coming from our table in the small diner.

The quiet setting is one I would usually enjoy, the peaceful buzz of people eating, cooking, and serving food to customers usual calms me. The strong smell of coffee and bacon fill my nostrils as I take in a breath. However, this is not a setting that I am currently enjoying, being that I feel intimidated and the tension makes our group feel awkward.

"Well, I guess I'll start. We asked you to join us here today because Hansuke has something he would like to say to Jisung. But before I hand the mic over to him, I would first like to ask you," he says while pointing to Eunji, "to remain quiet during the performance. Thank you. Hansuke, go head."

We are all momentarily stuck because of his little "introduction," as we sit staring at him for a few moments before Yuta nudges me to speak.

"Oh, right. Um." My mind goes blank and I feel nervous, palms sweaty, my breath slowly increasing as if I'm running a marathon. I wipe my hands in my jeans, taking a deep breath as I feel the eyes of the Park siblings staring me down.

"I'm sorry," I say, finally. The words come out breathy and slightly shrill due to my current emotional state. Eunji raises a brow and Jisung remains with a poker face as I gather up the nerve to continue. "I'm really, truly sorry Jisung. For everything. I regret my actions deeply and I know that I don't deserve your forgiveness. I just want you to know that I'm so sorry for all the pain and embarrassment I've caused. I had no idea how much I was hurting you. I really never meant for it to get this far, but it did. And the consequences are catastrophic. Please Jisung, I'm not asking for forgiveness because I know that's asking for too much, I just want you to acknowledge my apology."

Fight me // nct yuta Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang