Chapter 20

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$uicidal th0t$

guys hansuke and i need a
ride to the game today

sparkleemarklee 💖
aw i would but i live
across town
sorry :(

i can't i don't have a car

cheetahphone ;)
i'm already giving doyoung
a ride plus my sister and her friend
sorry y'all don't fit

i would but i'm going
with my family and minji

oh lmao i was about to
offer a ride my bad

cmon guys i need it

cheetahphone ;)
that's what she said



jikyung? pleeeeeeease

G_kyung 😎
can't i'm going with taeyong
and my aunt

damn why do u guys have
to be cousins
can't u fit one more person?

nope sorry :(
the truck only fits 3

why don't u ask eunji
she has to go that way anyways

y r u bringing me in
to this smh

cuz u have to go in the
direction of his house to
get to the school anyway

please eunji
my car broke down
i wouldn't be asking if i
wasn't desperate

mmmmmm fINE
but u owe me

ok fine

This sucks. I don't want to go with Eunji but what choice do I have? My car isn't working and I don't want my parents coming for some... obvious reasons. Things have been really awkward ever since the whole ordeal with Jisung and Hansuke. I can see that those two still feel weird about it from the way they act in practice, but its weird for me and Eunji to be like this. I mean usually we're fighting but these days we don't have anything to fight about. I haven't felt like this around her since middle school but that's cuz I had a crush on her.

Yeah you heard that right but that was when I first moved here. I didn't have any friends because I didn't know anyone and I only liked her because she was cute! That's it! I got over that crush pretty fast cuz after meeting Taeyong and joining the group, I really got to know her, and she's scary.

"Ugh this car ride is gonna be great." I pinch my nose bridge and squint my eyes.

"Did you get us a ride?" Hansuke opens my door and pokes in his head.

"Yeah, I did."

"With who?"

"Uh, Park Eunji," I mumble, coughing into my fist.

Fight me // nct yuta Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora