Chapter One

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Joe's Pov

I walk in my house after a long flight from Ohio. It is 1am right now. My flight was supposed to land at 9pm but it was delayed. Which sucks. I drop my house keys in the bowl on the counter. Turning on the light in the hallway I see my wife Sitting on the couch. She has a glass of red wine in her left hand. She brings the glass to her lips,taking a sip before placing it on the automan in front of her. 

"where have you been?" She asks quietly. I can tell by the sound of her voice that she is upset. Why would she be upset? I wonder and i take my shoes off and throw them in the closet. 

"what do you mean,G?" I say walking over to her. I place my hands on her waist but she quicky pushes them off. "Whats wrong with you?" I say a bit aggrevated.

"You told me that you would be home at 9pm. It's 1am Leati!" I cliched my jaw and bawl my hands into fists. She really took it there. 

"I told you to never call me that." I say pointing my finger in her face. I hate being called Leati so much. The only people who are allowed to call me that are my parents. There the only ones that call me that actully. I hate being called that because thats my fathers name. And growing up thats what people always saw me as. Sika son. Well now that I'm a grown ass man I won't let him define me. I'm my own person. 

"Oh please Joe! I know you were with some other girl. Someone who is younger,thinner,and prettier than me. So we can stop with this dog and pony show,alright!" She yells. As I'm about to say something back I hear JoJo's bedroom door open. Galina just glares at me. I hear floorboards creaks. I turn my head to see the source of the sound.

"daddy!" I hear JoJo yell. She runs over to me and jumps into my arms. I lift her up and hug her. She wraps her tiny 4-year old arms around my neck. Galina huffs and walks out of the room. I'll deal with her later. 

"what are you doing up sweet heart?" I ask her walking over to the couch. I place her on my lap,still holding her up with my right arm. 

"I heard mommy yell and it scared me." I press my lips together.  "Were you guys fighting again?" she asks. No. is what I want to say but it's not the truth. 

"no baby we were having a disagreement. It's not important." I say ruffling her hair making her giggle. "how about a glass a milk before you go back to bed?" She smiles and nods her head up and down. I lift her up and take her to the kitchen. I place her in the chair closest to the kitchen entrence. I grab the milk from the fridge and 2 glasses from the cabinet. I also grab Chocolte and strawberry sause. I cut up some strawberries and put some dark chocolte in the shake. 

I sit next to Jojo and begin to drink the shakes I made

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I sit next to Jojo and begin to drink the shakes I made. 

"daddy?" she asks. 

"yes?" I answer. 

"are you and mommy getting a divorce." I nearly choke on my drink. My eyes almost pop out of mead. 

"why would you think that?" I ask trying not to cough?

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