Chapter 10

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It's been a few days since mercades has forgiven me. But we're still not together sadly. All I want is to make her happy and make her smile 24 hours, 7 days a week. But ever since Galina decided to waltz back in my life it's like that's been put on hold.

Right now Joelle, Mercades and that baby in her stomach are my number one priorities.

First things first I need to get galina out of my life for good. She gave up on both me and galina and when she left us and now that she's back she's been causing nothing but drama and I'm sick of it. It came in between me and mercades and I can't let that keep happening. Especially not when she's pregnant and in her first trimester. All this stress isn't good for her or the baby.

I called my ex wife earlier to see if she wants to meet up at a coffee shop to talk. She obviously said yes because why wouldn't she. She's crazy as fuck. I mean let me know if I'm wrong. Now if your divorced you rarely see your ex-partner. Now unless your have kids but she said she wanted nun to do with our daughter so why is her ass popping out of no where.

I'm sitting in starbucks for her and her eyes and smile get wide when she sees me. I cringe.

"Hey" I say handing her the coffee I got for her. I shouldn't have got her anything but it's 8am in the morning and I'm not heartless. She nods her head in my direction and sits down. She's wearing a long camo shirt-jacket with shorts and heels. Wonder why she's so dressed up?

"How are you?" She asks me. It takes everything in me not to roll my eye. I nod my head indicating I'm fine.

"Galina I'm not sure if you know this but we're over. We are not together anymore." I say and her smile and face drops.

"I know that Joe." No bitch you don't!

"Do you?!" I say raising my voice a bit. "You trying to make it seem like I slept with you and then trying to ruin my new relationship?" I say she gets teary eyed. But I could care less. "Your mad that I moved on and then pull some bullshit like this?" I say.

"Because I miss you." She says on the verge of sobbing.

"We'll the feeling isn't mutual. So here's what gonna happen. Your either going to A leave and never come near me or my family ever again. B I call the cops and get a restraining order on you. It's your choice but I really hope you choose option B." I say getting up and leaving. As I'm leaving something flies over my head and lands right in front of me. Once I can get a good look at it I see that it's galina coffee. I turn around and look at her evil crazy ass.

"You fuck head I gave you your first child I was your first love. And this is how you do me!" She said screaming. As much as I want to reply to her I don't feel like yelling and having all these people in my business. I motion for her to come here and since I still have some dominance she complys .

"Are you out of your fucking mind throwing that at me?" I pause I don't expect her to answer but it was basically for dramatic affect. "That child that you gave me is the best thing that has ever happened to me and it hurts me letting her know that her mother isn't coming back. I can't handle telling her that her mother is a drunk crazy ass who doesn't want her." I say getting heated a bit. "Stay the hell away me and mines I mean it Galina. Stay the fuck away from us." With that i walk out the coffee shop and walk to my car.

When I'm about to pull out of the parking lot my phone rings. I look down and see it's mercades.

"Hello?" I say trying to calm myself down since she's not the reason I'm mad.

"Hey baby." She says sweetly. It makes me smile. She called me baby. Yay we're making progress.

"What's up mercy?"

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