Requested Oneshot

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A/N: This oneshot is dedicated to Christina_Lotte_Daae . Have a happy birthday. WARNING: THIS IS A SMUT/ LEMON ONESHOT. NOT FOR KIDS!!! Enjoy!!! :D

"Oh Erik." You said. You were sitting on your bed while Erik was kneeling and under your dress. He began to kiss your thigh and everything had happened so fast. 

Next thing you knew, the two of you were on your bed. You did not know how all this happened or why. All you knew was that Erik was kissing you passionately as the two of you were in bed. 

He wasn't too rough kissing you. You let out a moan as he kissed your neck. He was quick to move his hands to your waist.

He slipped you out of you dress and began to untie your corset. You began to tug at his shirt once you were undressed. Erik did what you wanted him to do. 

He removed his shirt revealing his abdominals. He took off his pants, slipping under the covers with you. You thought he looked even more incredibly handsome with out a shirt.

You placed your hands on his bare chest. Erik's tongue begged for allowance in you mouth and you granted it.

You loved and enjoyed what was happening so you let Erik take complete control.

Erik had decided to take it a bit farther so he parted you legs and put himself in. You moaned, enjoying the pleasures happening between the both of you.

"I love you mon amour." Erik said. You smiled.

"Je t'aime aussi." You said. "I love you too. You wrapped your arms around his neck. You could hear him chuckle as you closed your eyes. 

Erik went back to kissing you. He eventually found your sweet spot and sucked on it, leaving a hickey. You shivered in delight.

 You had gasped realizing that if someone were to walk in the room, your relationship with Erik would be revealed.

"No worries my dear Y/n. I locked the door." Erik assured you. The cold air made the two of you feel better since Erik left a window opened. 

You smiled as you ran your fingers through Erik's hair. He let you remove his mask. You began to kiss his face.

"Oh my dear Y/n." He said. "You are so beautiful."

"And you my dear Erik." You said. "You are so handsome. " He continued to thrust himself deeper into you. It was slightly painful for you but the pain subsided once Erik was done.

"Ah, I wish this moment could last forever." Erik said as he massaged your shoulder blades. 

"I do wish that too mon amour." Erik gave our a little purr as you kissed him.  He began to kiss your shoulders. And then your collarbone. 

He was a bit feisty when he kissed your collarbone. He trailed kisses all around your collarbone, shoulders, and neck. You bit your lip.

"Am I hurting you my angel?" Erik asked with concern in both his eyes and voice.

"No, continue with what you are doing." 

"With pleasure." He said seductively.  You smiled as Erik  ran his fingers through your hair. Those were moments you would never forget and they seemed to never stop.

"Erik!" You playfully laugh as he kissed your stomach. The action had tickled you. Erik laughed with you as he continued the same action. Eventually, exhaustion got the both of you.

"Time to sleep." Erik cooed. You placed your head on his bare chest. 

"Good night Erik." You yawn.

"Good night Y/n." Erik says. 

He placed his lips on your forehead as the both of you drifted off to sleep.

The Phantom of the Opera Oneshots. (Requests open!)Where stories live. Discover now