Henrik stared at him, "So something DID happen."

"Just a nightmare . . . . . had to be if Anti really was in his room with Jackie and Marvin. It was nothing"

"Obviously it was NOT nothing, Chase! Now TELL me!"

"I saw my kids in hanging by a shared noose in my bathroom, Hen! I saw Antisepticeye pop out of my fucking mirror! He touched me and got in my fucking face, alright?! Fuck, man!" He hit the floorboard under him in a momentary rage. Just thinking about it again, sent him in a ball a stress.


Chase stared at him, "HM!? That's all you have to fucking say!? HM!?"

Henrik took a moment to think about it but then sighed, "Anti said he had a nightmare similar. This . . copy of him appeared to him and taunted him. Slit his throat and slapped him across the face. Would make sense by his bruise but he's not sure it if was a nightmare or not. Marvin's convinced he was just-"

"Wait" Chase stopped him and stood up from the floor, wobbling slightly as he did so, "Anti got hurt?"

"Oh, now you care?"

"Oh, nOw yOu CaRe?!" Chase mocked him, "Fuck off, Hen! If Anti's having the same nightmares . . . . are you sure this thing isn't real, then?"

"I honestly don't know. Maybe ve should ask zhe others, too. If zhey have seen zhe same thing then we need to let Sean know and get rid of whatever zhe fuck it is immediately."

Chase nodded, staring off into space in thought, "I agree. . . . . I'll talk to Jackie first"

Henrik nodded, "I'll speak vith Marvin and Jameson. Let me know"

Without waiting on an answer, Henrik left his room.

Jackie sat outside enjoying the fresh air and he must have fallen asleep at one point thinking about what happened earlier that morning with Jameson and Chase and then Marvin acting like that thing with Anti last night was nothing . . . . something was definitely off and he needed to find out what.

'Maybe I should get a hold of Yan and see if they could help. . . .'

Suddenly a brush of leaves rustled around him, making him flinch.

Jackie looked around but didn't see anything.

'Did Marvin let Basil outside?'

He heard the rustling again and looked behind him, seeing a shoe slip behind a nearby tree. They had a whole acre in the backyard to mess around in for fresh air so they also had quite a few trees. Only now . . . in this creepy sense. . . . it reminded him of a dense forest.

And someone was watching him.

"Hey, who's there?!" he called out but he was reminded that Jameson was in his room, Chase was up in HIS room, Henrik never messed around like this and was down in his basement clinic after coming back home from work, Anti obviously COULDN'T run . . . .

"M-marvin?! That you, man? Come on out and quite messing around, man! I don't need this, today!"

No response. This only proceeded to make Jackie worry even more.

'Was Anti's nightmare. . . not really a nightmare?' picking up his bravery, Jackie walked towards the last sound where he heard rustling from behind some bushes at the edge of their property.

There was more rustling suddenly and he stopped, "Who's there? If you come out, I promise I'll be less mad. Do you need help?"

A soft growl was heard that sounded like a dying animal.

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