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New Years had come and gone and the Clarence family were back in London for another round of engagements and school runs. And this years was going to be a busy one, not only two new family members would be arriving but there would be a lot of important engagements happening throughout the year to come.

But it was better to begin with the small things, like taking their two eldest children to school, and their first meetings after the winter holidays.

One of the meetings the Duchess of Clarence was headed to was one with the producers of a Queen Victoria documentary that would be aired in May.

"Your Royal Highness, it is a pleasure." The producer shakes the Duchess' hand before they both sit down at the table, while Josephine props herself on the chair a few feet away.

"Mr. Hill let me just say how exciting this all is for me."

"I can imagine, Your Royal Highness. I was asked to confirm with you, ma'am, the scenes you will be filming and to ask if you're comfortable with them."

"Oh yes, yes, I couldn't be more excited."

"Wonderful, now, the filming will only commence in early April, however we just want to be sure Your Royal Highness is aware of all the topics you will be talking about and where we will be filming."

"Yes." She was too excited, this was an experience of a lifetime for her, and it would definitely become history, a future Queen talking about a past Queen.

"We will first film at Kensington Palace, in a few key rooms, and later on we will move to Buckingham Palace. We will also have a few shots of a sit down interview which can be filmed either at Kensington Palace or Buckingham Palace."

"Lovely." The Duchess smiled as the producer continued with the explanations and tried to make everything a little bit more clearer for the royal.

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Following the horrific news from Christchurch, New Zealand, members of the Royal Family have sent their condolences to the victims and the families of the dark event that took place this morning.

After Her Majesty The Queen and the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall it was time for the Duke and Duchess of Clarence to release their message, which they did via their Twitter and Instagram accounts.

We were deeply horrified by the gruesome attacks at Christchurch and at the muslim community earlier today. A place of worship is a sacred and safe space, and it should not be a target to religious intolerance.

Having been fortunate to have visited Christchurch and to have felt the warmth and love this community gives out, is horrifying to see that a community so generous and open-hearted would have to go through something so horrific and heart breaking as a religious intolerance attack.

As the muslim community and the Christchurch people grieve over the loss of their loved ones we know they will stay strong and united, overcoming this appalling and thoughtless act of hatred.

We send our thoughts and prayers to everyone in New Zealand and to the muslim community.

Kia Kaha, Kia Tuitui.

George and Amelia.

The royal couple sent both a personal and official message to the people of New Zealend, signing off with their names instead of their titles.

They also finished the letter with the words "Kia Kaha, Kia Tuitui'' which roughly translate "stay strong, stay united" in Māori.

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After last month's horrific attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand, the Duchess of Clarence just landed in Auckland, where she will be meeting Prime Minister Jacinda Arden and attending the  Anzac Service at the War Memorial Museum.

The Duchess will also visit Starship Hospital, where the victims of the brutal attack are being treated, where she will also meet a few of the victims and their families. She will then travel to Christchurch with the Prime Minister, and will meet with the Emergency Services and first responders.

She will then visit Al Noor Mosque, one of the mosques tarqueted at the attack. There she will meet the families of the victims who lost their lives, and will make a speech. She will then pay her respects at the monument for the victims of the 2011 earthquake, and will meet the local fans outside the memorial.

After two days in New Zealand the Duchess of Clarence carried out her last engagement before embarking on a plane on her way back to the UK. She met local fans just outside the 2011 Earthquake monument, and one fan asked the question on everyone's minds "Any sign of the royal baby?". The Duchess of Clarence smiled and responded "I haven't got my phone on me—I have no idea. You guys will find out before I do at this rate."

I guess we'll just have to wait a few more days to finally meet Baby Sussex.

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