Royal Life

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"Hello. How are you, Amelia?" The Crown Princess of Denmark asks, kissing both cheeks of her english counterpart.

"Very well, Mary."

"And this is my name-twin?" The danish future queen says, touching the princess's skirt, who almost immediately hides in her mother's neck.

"It is. Can you say hello, May?" When the answer does not come both ladies laugh it off, switching their attention to the only boy of the Clarences, who was holding his mother's other available hand.

"We are so happy to have you here, and we heard it is your childrens first time in Denmark."

"It is, we haven't taken them traveling much, since Jamie and May came so close together."

"I understand, I just hope you will have to visit some of our tourist destinations." Mary says, walking side by side the Duchess and the two youngest Clarences, to the waiting car that would take the family to their final destination, while the Crown Prince walked in front of them with the Duke and Princess Victoria.

"We did have an afternoon off, the day after tomorrow I believe."

"Perfect, and if you want we can show you around, and even bring our children."

"It would be lovely, Mary, thank you."

- - -

"This does not look like Ariel, mummy."

"Well, the two Little Mermaids were not drawn by the same person." The Duchess explains, kneeling down next to her daughter. "But if you look closely, doesn't this remind you of that scene where Ariel is on the rock?"

"It does."

"Who is excited to explore Copenhagen?"

- - -

After nine successful days in four countries, the Duke and Duchess of Clarence and their three children are now on a flight to Madrid, Spain, where they will end their three and a half-day visit with a reception gala.

The family of five has visited in the last week and a half three countries, with their first one being Denmark, where they were welcomed at the airport by the Crown Prince Couple, then the Netherlands, and last Belgium, and in all of the three countries we saw touching moments between all family members and moments with the Royal Families' children of each respective country.

- - -

"And someone decided to confirm our presence, my wife's and I, without consulting me?" The Duke demanded, furious over his lack of a choice on the matter.

"Georgie, this was a minor decision, and if you do not want to attend you can always use the jet-lagged card."

"And let my brother outrank my wife, the future Queen Consort and mother a future Queen? Over my dead body."

"Georgie, I know you are upset over some of your brother's decisions, however, this is something that should not come in between your relationship..."

"With my brother? He always did that to our relationship, Millie, letting the smallest of things go in between us and causing literal chaos. The only difference now is that we are both adults, and my wife and children come first."

"George, you are letting this go to your head. He is just trying to protect her, she is new to all of this, she has never had so much attention on her before. She does not know what is right and what is wrong. She will learn with time, this was just a misunderstanding."

"She may learn with time, Millie, but my brother has known his entire life. He should know his place in the pecking order. He is not fifth in line anymore, he is tenth."

- - -

"Your Royal Highnesses! Your Royal Highnesses! How do you feel about the news of your nephew's arrival?"

"We are so very happy to welcome him into the family."

"And now our children will have another cousin to play with."

"Do Your Royal Highnesses know the name yet?"

"And have you seen the baby?"

"We have seen him, and he is beautiful, a perfect prince. But we don't know the name yet, the parents are still deciding on it."

"Thank you."

- - -

Anzac Day, 2018

"I need coffee." The Duke murmurs, with his eyes close and with his head on the headrest of the seat.

"We can stop at a coffee shop afterwards, dear, now please look alive."

"We are here, Your Royal Highnesses."

"Do I have something on my teeth?" The Duchess asks, smiling to her husband, showing her perfect clean teeth.

"You look great, Bee, perfect."

The car came to a stop and George was the first to leave, waiting by the side of the road for his wife to join him. The three cars from the three brothers had arrived almost at the same time, in order of precedence, and the two couples and William arrived almost at the same time at the gate of the church, to greet each other.

"Congratulations, Wills."

"Thank you, haven't slept much in the last two days, but we are very happy."

"I can imagine."


"Amelia." Ms. Markle says, kissing Amelia's both cheeks, greeting her future sister-in-law.

"Meghan, Harry."

As the five made their way inside, diplomacy was in show and anything that happened behind the palace walls were kept there, away from the public. To everyone they were a united and happy family, honouring on that day the fallen. 

Author's Notes: 

I know I am a little late, but Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you had a safe and merry Christmas during this different times. 

I also wanted to add that I am so grateful for everything, all the support and votes and comments on Royal Duchess, it really does mean a lot, and I hope this story made your days a little bit brighter during this trying and complicated year. 

Happy New Year! I hope everyone has a safe and happy celebration and that this New Year is better and easier on everyone. 

Stay safe, use your masks and wash your hands.


Nina xx

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