Pregnancy Books

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A Palace insider says the Duchess of Clarence is expecting a baby boy and the due date is just around the corner, with the source saying that the parents don't have an exact date but is around the last week of May and the first of June.

He also said that Mum-to-be is relying on the expertise of the Queen and is even having a lot of help from the Duchess of Cornwall, who is a mother of two. The Duchess of Clarence has also been discussing with Her Majesty possible names and we were told that Philip and Albert are at the top of the couples list.

"No, I don't like the dresser there."

"Why? It looks fine here, Bee." The Duke said, almost out of breath, looking with disbelief at his wife.

"No, George, it looked better on the other wall. And it's closer to the crib."

"Fine, but this is the last time I'm moving this dresser."

As her husband once again moved the dresser to the other side of the room Amelia looked at the floorplan their architect had made. Everything was mostly ready, and the only big furniture piece that hadn't been delivered yet was a maternity chair for Amelia.

"It looks perfect. And you were right about the colour of the wood."

"See, I told you a darker green would look better, with the sun and everything you would barely be able to see the mint on the woods."

George kissed his wife, who was with each day more pregnant, and with her last weeks of pregnancy so close it was only getting bigger from there.

"Now, even though I love to move furniture around, I have a meeting with my father."

"Go, and take a shower. I will just finish the decorations."

- - -

With dinner ready and the last batch of baby clothes in the washing machine, Amelia could finally relax and put her aching feet up for a while, at least till George arrived back home.

Since announcing her pregnancy one of the things Amelia liked to do was read a few of the magazines and their crazy headlines. Most of the time they were completely wrong about whatever they were talking, but some of them, sometimes, were almost right, like for example that the Duchess had decided to give birth at St. Mary's Hospital.

George had advised her not to read too much because they always said something that was not very nice. But she needed fifteen minutes of doing almost nothing before she had to start thinking again about everything that still needed doing.

- - -

"So how was the meeting?" Amelia asked over English Trifle, the duchess' favourite dessert.

"Very well actually. Father asked for me to accompany him on a visit to Cornwall during the summer. He also asked about how our house hunting was going."

"And what did you say?"

"The truth, that we found one that was almost everything we wanted, but it was too far away from Sandringham if we wanted to use it during the holidays, to which we want."

"I know you really liked that house, George, but driving almost an hour to Sandringham with a baby is not ideal."

"Yes, I know, and I understand. But father said that if we wanted to use any of his country homes during the summer we just have to call him."

"Maybe this year is best that we spend summer here. I know it is not ideal but travelling with a newborn is not either."

"You're right, Bee, as always." The Duke says kissing his wife's head and taking to the sink the two glasses. "I almost forgot. Father also asked if you would be able to attend Trooping this year."

"I don't think so. The Baby's due date is June 9th, I will still be huge on the 12th."

"No, you wouldn't."

"George if I'm huge now, and I'm only 37 weeks, I'm going to be even bigger when I'm 40. Baby bellies don't just disappear two days after birth, George."

"Really? I thought they did. You know, since there isn't a baby in there anymore."

"This is skin, George, that stretches a lot during pregnancy. It takes time to go back to normal. Have you been reading those books I gave you?"

"Sorry, I stopped in the middle of the second one. Some things are just too graphic." He said shaking his head, clearly disgusted by the image in his head.

"Oh, sweetheart, then you're not ready." 

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