Family Plans

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Their first Christmas with their daughter had gone incredibly well, and when Boxing Day came around Amelia was excited to spend a few days with her family, who would be staying with them at Anmer till the New Years, when the Clarences would be leaving for their winter holiday and the first time Victoria would be leaving the UK.

After much debate on whether or not they would be waiting to travel with baby Vicky Dr. Stone said that there was nothing to worry about since Victoria was a very healthy baby.

"Did you pack everything, George?"

"Yes, and don't worry I followed your list, and Harriet helped with a few things."

"Good. I'm just going to finish my bag and we can have dinner."

"Great, I'm going to see how Vicky is doing."

They left Anmer on the first days of the new year, having still a lot to get done before their trip. Nanny Harriet wouldn't be going with them, taking her own vacation days to go see her family.

Amelia was excited, not only was Vicky's first time on a plane it was also their first family vacation. The only difference now was that they would not be going to have a lot of free time.

After closing her only bag Amelia heard her phone ringing where it was charging, and when she saw her cousin's name on the screen she started questioning what was wrong for her cousin to call so late at night.

"Is everything okay?"

"I have to ask that! I read today you've been admitted to hospital, after suspicions of a new pregnancy. Are you pregnant?"

"No, Gosh, no Annabel, I am not pregnant. Why would I be pregnant? Victoria is not even seven months old."

"Oh, I'm relieved. I really thought you were for a second." Annebel's voice was calmer, and Annabel relieved. "But are you two trying?"

"Not in that way, Bel. We both know Vicky is too young to be a big sister."

"Okay, but when you are ready to give my Goddaughter a sister or brother call me."

"I will. Anything else?"

"No, that's it. Goodnight, Mel."

Amelia laughed to herself when without even a goodnight back her cousin ended the call.

"Why are you laughing?" George asked from the door, confused by the sight of his wife laughing alone.

"Bel called. She asked if I was pregnant after rumours that I was admitted to hospital."

"Who would say that?"

"Don't know didn't ask, but the funny part was when she said that when we start trying to give Vicky a brother or sister to call."

"Oh yeah, because the first thing that I am going to do afterwards is to call your cousin."

After the two stopped laughing Amelia went to the kitchen to finish dinner, with George setting the kitchen counter up since it would not be a good idea to make a mess mere hours before they would leave on vacation. But after a few glasses of wine, Amelia gathered enough courage to ask George something that surprisingly enough they had never talked about.

"How many children do you want?"

"Why are you asking that? Are we back in uni? Asking questions about the future?"

"No, but we've never really talked about how many children we each wanted, and when, and all of that."

"10." The simple and honest way George said that two-digit number made Amelia gasp.

She liked being pregnant as much as any other mother, and sometimes she missed having her baby bump, but ten pregnancies... Amelia obviously knew there were people who had ten pregnancies and ten children, but she never envisioned her being with child 10 times.


"I always wanted a lot of brothers and sisters, and since I didn't... But we can work on a number together."

"Well, I always imagined myself having three children, maximum."


"You know you have two brothers don't you, George?"

"Well, yes, and I know how horribly it is to have only three, because two of them are going to be closer, and the other one isn't."

"Okay, so let us try for three, and if it happens we have another one. How do you like that?"

"I guess so... But when should we... You know..."

"Victoria is still too small to be a big sister, and I want us to give her our complete attention. At least for a while longer."

"Fine." Amelia felt her husbands' breath on her neck, before turning around to just find her husband's mouth pressed to hers.

- - -

The family of three and their four PPOs arrived at the Zurich Airport still early in the morning, which meant they would be able to enjoy the afternoon activities their hotel on the Swiss alps offered.

A very sleepy Victoria, who was not able to sleep through the flight like her parents expected slept through the one hour and a half car ride to the Hotel, while her parents admired the villages they passed by.

After lunch and Victorias' afternoon nap, the family left for a winter hike, taking in the beautiful view of the alps. 

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