Half Term Break

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The summer passed by the family like the blink of an eye. With engagements, parties, play dates and even a visit from Victoria's teacher during the month of July, the family spent the month of August away in Norfolk where little Victoria spent her last days before school began.

She had now grown to the idea of going to school and after a at home meeting with Miss Mollie and her parents explaining how exciting it would be for her she couldn't wait for her first day. The teacher also met Nanny Harriet since sometimes Victoria would be collected by her if the Duke and Duchess were otherwise occupied, so that the school knew who she was.

The night before Victoria's first day Amelia read a story and waited for her daughter to fall asleep since the poor girl, even though she had been excited all week, was now nervous to meet her new friends.

"I can't believe our baby girl is starting school."

"Well, I told you months ago she didn't have to go." George says from the bathroom, while his wife waited for him on their bed.

"And I don't regret any decision, I just don't like the idea of how quiet the house is going to be now."

"We could always give Vicky a new baby sibling." The duke says, laying next to his wife, kissing her hand.

"You would love that wouldn't you?"

"So is that a yes?"

"You can convince me a little more..."

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The Duke and Duchess of Clarence are pleased to share three new photographs of Princess Victoria on the occasion of her first day at Nursery school.

The photographs were taken by the Duchess of Clarence earlier today at Kensington Palace before the family left to Miss Daisy's Nursery.

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The Duke and Duchess of Clarence attended this evening the State Banquet in honour of the visit of the Singaporean President and First Lady.

The Duchess of Clarence made headlines this evening over her accessories, more especially her tiara. Her Royal Highness was wearing the Cambridge's Lover's Knot Tiara loaned by The Queen, one of her late mother-in-law's favourite tiara while a member of the Royal Family.

A few tabloids are speculating, after the banquet last night, that Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Clarence is expecting her second child. This comes after the announcement that her sister-in-law, the Duchess of Cambridge, announced her second pregnancy in September.

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After a long day playing with their daughter in the gardens, the Duke and Duchess were more than happy to go to bed early and just lay there. With the princess on her half term, the parents tried to spend as much time with their daughter as they could. Of course, they still had their duties, and they kept doing them, but at this time in their lives, the family came first.

"Oh, I got something to give you." Amelia gets up and walks to her wardrobe, taking from one of the folded blouses a small brown box, with a red bow on the top.

"You know you don't need to give me anything, Bee."

"I know, but I feel that you will like this one."

The Duke unties the bow and slowly opens the box, almost afraid of what could be in there. It wasn't his birthday, nor his wife's, or their anniversary. It was the middle of October so it could not be a Christmas present.

Inside the box, a few tissue paper sat on top of a small stick with a blue end that could be seen through the tissue paper.


Much like Amelia's first pregnancy George started crying and jumped on the bed, kissing his wife deeply who couldn't do anything but laugh.

"How long?"

"I did the test this morning, well the five tests, this one was clearer than the others."

"And you played and carried Victoria like it was nothing?"

"Oh for Christ's sake George, it was nothing. She is my daughter and I plan to carry her in my arms till I am too weak to do so." She was serious as anyone could be, but at the same time, she was smiling. "I love you, Georgie, but I am not made of porcelain."

"I know, Bee, I just don't want...."

"It won't Georgie, don't worry. I am going to visit Dr. Martin on Monday after I drop Victoria off."

"Good, great. I am going to try to go as well but..."

"Oh Georgie, just shut up." Amelia says, kissing her husband.

They were having a baby. They were giving Victoria a sibling. They were giving the monarchy another heir.

- - -

"I can't believe we are here for this. So soon." Georgie whispers while they follow one of the butlers to the Queen's private apartments.

"Victoria is two, Georgie, not so soon."

"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Clarence."

"George, Amelia, lovely to see the both of you."

"It is lovely to see you too Granny."

The couple kissed the Queen's cheeks and sat donw on the sofa in front of Her Majesty, while George grabs his wife's hand, holding to her tight. 

"I just couldn't quite point out why you wanted to see me."

"Well, Uhm, Amelia and I have news." The Queen's smile grew like she almost knew what her grandson was about to say. "Victoria is going to be a big sister."

"Congratulations, my darling." After kisses and hugs from the Queen, they started talking about the announcement since their next big event would be Remembrance Service and Day, and Amelia would probably be already showing.

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Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Clarence are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Clarence is expecting their second child.

The Queen and members of both families are delighted with the news.

As with her first pregnancy, the family appreciates all the support they have received from all around the world, and are delighted to share this happy news with the public. 

Author's Note:

Hello! Hi!

Okay, so I still cannot believe this is happening, again! Yes, Amelia and George are having another child!

I would also like to thank everyone who reads, votes and comments on my story, it does truly help and motivate, more than people know actually. 

Also feel free to either comment here or send me a private message about the story and where do you think its heading or to give suggestions, I am always open to good criticism.

I really hope to see your thoughts and suggestions in the comments!


Nina xx

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