Chapter 15

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Kio took me home and I kissed him goodbye. I opened the door to my brother comforting my mom. "She'll come back ma. Don't cry." My mom sees me and rushes over to hug me.
Payton then comes to do the same. I cry in her arms. "I'm sorry mama." I said crying continuously.

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Life is hard but it's worth it.


I clean myself up and get ready for bed. I then get a text.

Y/N? Is everything ok now?

Everything's fine.

Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow? You can bring your family too if you want? I know this might sound out of the blu and what you just went know what, imma just shut up.

😂I would love to Kio.

Okay great❤️ I'll see you tomorrow then?


Ok I'll see you soon❤️😘


I put my phone down to charge it. I start to hear screaming downstairs. "He's gonna be okayy!!!"
I rush downstairs to check out all the noise. "What's going on??" I said. "It's Dad! He's gonna be okay!" I start to tear up as I heard those words. "W-we have to go see him!" Payton says. "Get your coats!" My mom said, starting the car. We drove to the hospital to see dad.
We went to the receptionist and asked for dad's name. They told us the room number and we walked to the room.

"Dad?" I said with a shaky voice. He opened his eyes. He sat up and smiled. "How are you, hunny?" Mom said while holding his hand.
"I'm okay. I'm doing just fine."
"That's great dad! Did the doctors say when you will get out?" Payton says. "They said tomorrow. I can't wait to be back with my family again!" Mom smiled and gave dad a hug. Payton and I did the same. "Go home guys and get some sleep." My mom said tossing the keys to Payton. "I'm going to stay here with your dad." "Why can't I drive?" I said with a frowning face. "You drive like a drunk troll, now come one and let's go." Payton says as we walk out the door.
Mom and Dad laugh at us.
We went to the car but I had this flashback again. It's kept messing with me. We got into the car and we drove home safely.

Next Morning

It's 11:00 am and it's time for school. "Ughh...I really don't wanna go. Everything sucks right about now and it's hard to come back from what I just been through." I say to myself. (Yesss we talk to

I take a shower and put on this:

I take a shower and put on this:

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