Chapter 141-160

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Chapter 141 - One life

“Yin Suye, I officially apologize to you for the things that happened in the past! I hope you can forgive my mistakes!” Understood what happened, Huang Beichen instantly bowed to Yin Suye and apologized.

Shui Ruoshan didn’t say anything, but turned to look at Huang Beichen, who was sincerely apologized, and then turned back to look at Yin Suye, who had no reaction towards Huang Beichen’s apology. He suddenly felt that the atmosphere inside the box was quite awkward. If he is Yin Suye at this moment, he would coolly and arrogantly looked at Huang Beichen, then said, “If apologies are useful, then what do we need the police for?” He believes that by using this well-known phrase on Earth to counterattack Huang Beichen, he would definitely be speechless.

Once the damage is done, no matter how one makes up for it afterwards, the crack has already there. Especially when Yin Suye is reborn. That is to say, for Huang Beichen, he and Yin Suye has only been separated for 3 months. But for Yin Suye, it was a lifetime. Therefore, new grudges overlapping old hatred, Yin Suye probably will never forgive Huang Beichen again. Actually, the fact that Yin Suye didn’t shout to kill Huang Beichen the moment he saw him but still could calmly talk to Huang Beichen is already very good.

“If I say no?”

Yin Suye’s eyes looked at Huang Beichen without any trace of affection. If to say he hated Huang Beichen, he doesn’t really hate him. But if to say he doesn’t hate Huang Beichen, he does hate him! Their views and personalities are different and they are bound to part ways. That is expected. In his past life, he did not understand this truth, neither did Huang Beichen. Therefore, even if they have any disagreement, both sides will still try to save their friendship through various methods because they are reluctant to give up this friendship. And so their ending was going against each other to the end.

In his past life, he did die under Huang Beichen’s hands, but Huang Beichen himself shouldn’t be any better than him. Even if nothing else happened after that battle, Huang Beichen should still be half-dead already.

“How can I get you to forgive me?”

Huang Beichen did not expect to see Yin Suye looking at him again like he is looking at strangers, seemed to have completely shut him out!

“As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!”

In fact, the reason why he previously so opposed to Yin Suye’s behavior to the point of attacking him, it was a another way to show his concern. Just because Yin Suye is his good friend, he couldn’t tolerate him(YSY) doing bad things, which angered him like he was betrayed. That’s why he(HBC) would make such a brainless action under impulse. But now he knows that everything is his misunderstanding, he felt sorry for Yin Suye, and he wants to save his friendship with Yin Suye.

“Even if I wanted your life?” A strong chill flashed in Yin Suye’s eyes.

“This joke is not funny at all!”

Huang Beichen wanted to smile, saying that he didn’t like cold jokes, but though he curved his mouth, he still couldn’t make himself smile. As soon as he saw Yin Suye’s eyes, he knew that Yin Suye wasn’t joking, it was just him wanted to deceive himself.

“I have wronged you and severely wounded you. It is my fault. I am willing to apologize!” Huang Beichen said bitterly.

He did not expect that Yin Suye would be so hostile to him now, not giving him the opportunity to make up at all. This caused the Huang Beichen who has always been eloquent to feel frustrated but he did not want to give up the friendship between him and Yin Suye.

“At that time, you also gave me a serious injury, so we are even!”

His strength was almost the same as Yin Suye, no one can get the upper hand. He has spent a lot of time to recover from his injuries. But now that he knew that he had done something wrong, he didn’t want to use an aggressive tone to talk to Yin Suye, but Yin Suye obviously does not intend to pay any attention to him, he can only use other method.

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