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Every time I see you I fall in love all over again.

Time skips to one week

Drake (P.O.V)
For the past one week I am not able to concentrate on anything be it my mafia work, my legal work or simply any normal gathering of people . The reason is that girl "Tanya aggarwal". Ugh, every time I try to erase her beautiful face from my memory it starts coming back like a bad nightmare . Despite getting laid her beautiful doe like eyes, her long nose , that slender neck , her naturally pink luscious lips are haunting me .  God damnit I sound like a teenager crushing over some girl he likes. I don't know that is this my love or obsession for her but one thing for sure if she ever meets her again than I will not let her go like the earlier time . Today, I have to attend a Charity event for some orphanage in which I am invited even though I don't want to go I should go. It will help me to erase her from my memory . Sighing and putting on a black suit we headed to the event with some members of my alpha team :- Michael and Jackson both of them are well trained in combat and can take at least 20 men at the same time . The moment we reached we were greeted warmly by the staff some of the girls were drooling over me and my mens but we know how to handle it . They just want money or some physical pleasure so bad ! that I am not in the mood today. After spending some time there was a special announcement and instantly the lights were turn off yet we all were able to see the faint figure of a girl with the help of flashlight the  sight before my eyes take away my breath . There was she 'tanya' in her all glory dressed in a crop top and a long skirt with a long loose stall draped over her looking like a radiant flower singing some song her eyes were damp with tears threatening to fall . Even though I was not  able to understand the language but her voice was so smooth and calm with perfect melody the whole environment was so silent that you can hear your own breath . She was singing some sad song maybe remembering someone special. It true that music don't need a language to communicate with others . (Continuing after he left the event) . I was furious to know that jack*ss  was after my love . How dare he through Dylan I got to know about this . Tanya you will be mine now!! Hurrying towards my office , there was a file placed on my table with all the information . Giving a Curt nod to Dylan I began going through the information .

Name:- Tanya aggarwal
Father's name:- Rakesh aggarwal
Mother's name:- Sunita aggarwal
Siblings:- Elder brother pratik died in a car accident when she was 13 .
Parents died recently in the same way. 
Friends:- Zainab , ayan and aryan
Relationship status:- Single
Previous Boyfriends :- Never interested in making one.
Truly she is one of a kind but why was she never interested in having a  relationship well never mind . I know she will never come willingly to me so I have to kidnap her . Sorry love but I won't let any b*stard what is mine .


(Tanya's outfit for the event)

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(Tanya's outfit for the event)

Well, today I am getting ready for the Charity event in which we all were invited but for some reason the girl who was assigned the task to singing and delivering the speech was not present there . As the event was held  by my aunt's friend I decided to help her . Hurrying to the backstage I decided to sing 'Maa ' song from 'Taare Zameen par' .

 Hurrying to the backstage I decided to sing 'Maa ' song from 'Taare Zameen par'

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(The song she sang is above, imagine her as tanya while singing.)I can feel the warm tears in my eyes but  I refuse to let them fall . I began with my speech after that :-
Good evening to everyone present here . We all are very fortunate well the simple reason for this is we have a home, a loving family , few people to call as our loved ones , we get pampered , we throw tantrum and yet they are fulfilled my our parents in the most loving and caring way . Our financial condition is well or good enough , we enjoy the special meals made by our mother we enjoy the finest to smallest things in life  .  But every one is not  that fortunate some people left their child the moment they  are born , these babies , children will never have someone to fulfill their wishes, some are abused by their parents , some are forcefully and simply thrown out of their houses by their so called relatives to face this cruel world on their own . Some don't even know that words like 'mother' , 'father' do exist that 'love' exists . Yet they are standing before us with a smile on their faces dressed in cute little clothes , they are stranger to each other yet they live so compassionately with each other, they take stand for each other . There is deep down immense pain behind that toothy grin which they want to hide from you from me from us . Let us now shower them with our love , adopt them show them they are not alone , life is not over, there is always a positive side to everything , they are not cursed by anyone , they can have their own family with lots of siblings people to call their own on which they can rely in their tougher times , let us show them love after all ' love' is something we all crave for . After my speech the whole crowd applause for me. Then I began dancing with some small kids barely age of ten some of them were doing ballet and were so adorable .

After that out of nowhere Mr Blackwell appeared in front of me

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After that out of nowhere Mr Blackwell appeared in front of me . Hello tanya how are you? he said . I was taken aback by his question how the h*ll this man know my name well of course from the founder's day event stupid my inner voice said . Hello Sir I am fine , I said with a awkward smile . Well your speech was amazing today the way you deliver the speech was really impressing . Thankyou sir I said with a normal face in a professional tone but I do not like the way he was looking towards me it makes me feel so uncomfortable.  Finally, I was saved by a men who was looking like a body guard he whispered something in his ears and they both looked with a concerned and a worried look whereas Mr Blackwell was looking angry  towards me and he left after saying goodbye.  During the whole ride home as was having a gut feeling that something very wrong is gonna happen . Folding and praying for some minutes , I changed in a comfortable pajama and a T-shirt and sleep soundly.

A/N:- So my lovely readers do tell your views on the story through the comment section . Update will be next week . Till then stay safe .

Mafia's bride Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora