Chapter - 20

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All chase must come to an end

Despite everything was going smoothly there were still many negative and bizarre thoughts in my mind . So many things were at stake My father's best friend and his family , my friends, my future and moreover my present . Before escaping I made sure that nobody took notice to my absence for which I made a dummy on the bed stacking the pillows and then covering them with a blanket so as to resemble that somebody is sleeping . I had already told aunt that I was tired and wanted to rest . It was late night when I reached the Indian airport with the group . They were many a times when they doubted me but each time I was able to get out of the situation . Changing into a burka( A dress worn by muslim women to cover themselves in public from head to toe generally black in colour ) at the airport and covering myself fully I ran towards the taxi to get to my house . Travelling at night will definitely be not the safest idea considering the fact that the village is pretty far from here . Reaching my home it felt like a miracle few tears escaped my eyes indicating that I was able to save myself from that disgusting life and that crackhead mafia .After reaching my house I reached the ground looking for a heavy stone to break the lock but it was already broken before I can conclude something a booming manly voice was heard from inside the gate and before I could do something the gate was opened by the French mafia along with him was Stephan and Alex and some other men. After seeing them all before I could run the French mafia whose name was Antonio told me to not act smart or run to be precise . I was ushered inside the home by Antonio , they all were smirking which scared me but I managed to put on a poker face or at least tried. After taking a seat I was served water by them which I took . My body , my mind everything was numb . I felt so hollow than even a strong breeze can break me . Gathering my leftover courage I looked towards them into the eyes this time . You know sister in law I never thought you will act so dumb sassed Antonio and continued this was your second attempt to run and yet you failed . I felt like choking him to death in front of everyone . And I will continue doing this till I succeed I replied back with the same sass . Not anymore glared Stephan and motion alex to show me the laptop . My brows knitted in confusion but the scene before my eyes filled me with rage .

( The place where they all were tied) On the screen was all of them uncle, aunt, brother , Jasper and his group and Annie tied

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( The place where they all were tied)
On the screen was all of them uncle, aunt, brother , Jasper and his group and Annie tied

( The place where they all were tied) On the screen was all of them uncle, aunt, brother , Jasper and his group and Annie tied

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( Imagine them being tied like this )
to a wooden and beaten . They looked so tired and then Fabio appeared on the screen and waved toward me and pointed towards a men who has a long whip

( Imagine the whip with blood ) with blades connected to its end within a blink a cold bucket of water was thrown on all of them and the man and a tall woman began whipping them hard drawing their blood

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( Imagine the whip with blood )
with blades connected to its end within a blink a cold bucket of water was thrown on all of them and the man and a tall woman began whipping them hard drawing their blood . My body trembled at the sight and I yelled at the screen hoping Fabio can heard me . Guilty tears began flooding from my eyes . In rage I charged towards Stephan took his collar in my hand and told him to stop his torture right now . After alex told me that only I can save there lives I agreed without thinking for a second and he told fabio to stop . Fabio again waved at him and showed me his bloodied hands and I closed my eyes real fast to not see his hand . I dialled Drake's number from alex's phone and his monstrous voice was heard . After talking to Mr Blackwell I broke into loud sobs I don't care what all of them thinks of me because of me only uncle , aunt, brother, Annie, jasper and all of them were beaten . I was Hugged by Antonio, Stephan and alex as I continued crying and blaming myself for everyone's pain.

Stephan (P.O.V)
After getting the information about our dear bhabhi little escape we all were astounded but I was expecting it too . James had come with uncle Jordan to meet tanya but when mom get to her room she was not there . After checking the surveillance system we get to know that Tanya was able to escape with the group . The cell phone which was found drowned by the guard confirmed our any further doubts . We don't want her to see our bad side but if she persists so much then let it be . After talking to Drake about the matter he was so pissed of course she was limping during the ceremony why can't she take rest . Having no other option left Drake told me to take her back with us as she should not meet him before the wedding according to her beliefs otherwise that girl will she the satan himself . After reaching her home and breaking in we all seated in the living and was waiting for her . I decided to take french mafia Antonio with me and alex for some logical reasoning we were just 10 and were enough for our dear bhabhi . Her face horrified after seeing us but before she could turn away and run Antonio told her not to act smart. We all all equipped , muscled men , killers , merciless torturers in front of an ordinary citizen anyone can guess who has more power in this situation . After talking to tanya and showing her our little show she took my collars in her hand and began speaking in profanity towards me and told me to stop this . I was h*ll angry at her but before things can get out of my control alex reached towards her and hold her tightly and told her that only she can stop this torture . She looked towards us with bloodshot eyes depicting her helplessness .
When the call ended tanya broke into loud sobs and began blaming herself for everything we three came forward and hugged her what surprised me that she let us hug her . After rubbing her back gently and patting her head we all looked towards her and told her that we will be leaving tomorrow afternoon as she looked h*ll tired . She just nod in response and moved to a room which seemed her own . But before leaving I asked her that if she had dinner or not she bite her lips and said yes . I again asked her strictly this time and she said no . Antonio moved to the kitchen to make the dinner while alex told her to take a warm body to sooth her mind .

Phone conversation
D:- Drake and T :- Tanya

D:- Love , did you saw the footage ?
T:- I did (she managed to say without stuttering )
D:- Now our marriage will happen within two days and I don't think that I need to remind you how worse things can get if you dare to put on an act . Am I clear ? ( he cooed her saying so softly and gently as if he was not threatening her at all )
T:- Yes, I will marry you but I want a promise from your side
D:- Name it and you will have it love I promise you .
T:- I want to get uncle and my friends treated properly and I want to meet them before the marriage ( she says as more tears flows her cheek staining them with new lines , her nose was red from all the crying , her throat soared, her legs tired from the continuous running and her courage shattered to the core )
D:- I will get them treated but you can't meet them love .
T:- Please Mr Blackwell they are my only family , I will not do anything just let me meet them and talk to them .
D:- Don't say please love , you are my queen, my future wife your wish is my command ( no matter how cruel he seems according to him he loves her and can't live without her and sobbed voice was breaking his anger which was built by her escape )

End of conversation

A/N:- Here's the update my lovely readers . Do tell your views through the comment section. Next update will be earlier . Till then stay safe stay happy .

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