Ch-37 ( second part )

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Your smile, your laugh is what makes me realize what I was missing in my life in all these years-  Drake

Tanya ( P.O.V)
As I looked at their faces those looks that they were giving me while sipping their tea's I felt utterly embarrassed on myself . How can I be so stupid ? I should have realized that using the front gate path was definitely a bad idea . I shiver ran through my body after looking at Mr Blackwell whose gaze was on me only not the kids not on anyone but just on me his piercing gaze stood unaffected . Suddenly I felt Jessie cuddling with my leg and I looked down at her and look at her in a reassuring manner reassuring her and myself but now I felt so nervous and anxious . We all were completely drenched in the rain water with water creating a small puddle on the shining marble floor as we stood rooted to our place . First of all they shouldn't have been here there was suppose to have a  freaking meeting not a mini kitty party and what if they  have seen me no please don't let that happen . As if Mr Blackwell had figured the whole situation mentally in his head he rose from his place and started walking in my direction . Great effing great . At that moment I wanted to freeze the time and to usher ourselves from the place and maybe even to erase the whole thing from his and everyone's remember but only if this was possible . Within quick strides Mr Blackwell coveted the distance between us . Okay deep breaths everything is normal okay my mind told me and I nodded mentally .

The conversation
T:- Tanya , D :- Drake

D:- Love what you were doing ?
T:- umm.. we I mean I went towards the garden area with the kids but then it started raining and we were  wet in the rain and that's it  . ( She smiled nervously while holding her flats in her hands while her tongue fumble to form a suitable sentence fitting the situation )
D:- Is it so ? ( He crouched in the direction of the kids )
T:- Yes it is . I have told you already why are you stretching such a small matter ? ( She moved to create a manual barrier between the kids and Drake )
D:- ( chuckling seeing tanya being so defendant of the kids and moved to his original position ) okay love if you don't want to tell me it's fine but don't lie to me if you did there will be consequences .
T:- I am not lying Mr Blackwell . ( Her heart beated violently it happen to her whenever she is in a uncomfortable situation . )
D:- Okay James can you pass me the towels . ( James moved with a smirk in their direction )
T:- Why do you need towels ? ( Her brows knitted in confusion )
D:- It's not for me ( after saying this he pass the towels to the kids and they hurriedly wiped their faces, hands  and hairs with it while tanya helped them too )
T:- ( returning the towels to Drake ) Here .
( suddenly Drake ordered the  kids to leave and they  too had to leave they were passing sorry looks to tanya while see smiled at them as if to say not to worry now they were only two of them while they guys were watching but than left after seeing this is a husband-wife matter after making sure tanya was feeling safe  then Drake moved very close to tanya and as a reflex her outstretched hand which was carrying the small towels moved backwards )
D:- ( taking her flats from her other hand ) sembri un angelo sotto lo pioggia amore (  Trans :- you were looking like an Angel in the rain love )
T:- Huh what ?
D:- shh.. ( placing his finger on her lips ) I know you didn't tell me the whole truth and I told you there will be consequences right ?
T:- ( nervously ) how do you know and I didn't lie I told the half truth to you .
D:- But it was half right not full . ( He whispered in her ears while gently tucking her hairs behind her ears )
T:- I.. ( before she can complete her sentence he carried her in his strong embrace and began going towards their room )
T:- ( in shock the towel fell behind and she looked towards Drake ) please Mr Blackwell stop what are you doing let me go .
D:- Relax love I will not touch you let me carry you .
( Though she tried again getting out of his embrace but due to hus strong and firm grip she was unable to do so )
D:- Here you go ( after placing her down on her feet in their room ) wait here . (After some time he came with a fluffy towel and began gently drying her hands and face )
T:- I can do it myself Mr Blackwell .
D:- shh.. let me do my work okay . ( Saying this he again moved too close to and began drying her hair a bit from the front as she was shivering a bit due to the light breeze )
T:- It's done now .
D:- No not yet your punishment is left .
T:- punishment !? (She bit her lips as Drake lingered his finger on her face )
D:- close your eyes .
T:- But I just went out to enjoy the rain it's not a crime which I had committed and need you to correct me .
D:- You went and enjoyed I have no objection in this but you and the kids lied to me there parents work for me . Either you take the punishment or the kids .
T:- ( getting scared ) I will take it ( she muttered while looking down and closing her eyes  )
D:- ( he noticed her hands were fisting her pajama and thought she might have thought something bizarre as she moved closer to her and placed his hand on her back making eye contact with her closed eyes he kissed her both cheeks gently lingering and tasting the some rain droplets which were resting like the petals of a flower . ) Relax love your heart is beating too fast calm down (saying this he rubbed her back gently in shock her eyes opened and then again he kissed her on the forehead

 ) Relax love your heart is beating too fast calm down (saying this he rubbed her back gently in shock her eyes opened and then again he kissed her on the forehead

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( Imagine him kissing like this kindly ignore the face )

this time while her eyes remained wide open ) You should take a bath before you get a cold .
T:- ( feeling uncomfortable she moved hurriedly in the direction of the bathroom and shut the gate locking it ) Ajeeb aadmi hai darra diya bilkul uski himmat kaise hui kiss karne ki ? Ugh mai kuch bol bhi nhi payi ( Trans:- What a weirdo he literally scared me and how dare he to kiss me and bloody me I was unable to say anything )

Drake moved out of the room smiling while remembering tanya adorable reaction .

(End of conversation )

Drake ( P.O.V)
As I saw love standing there all my eyes could her was her the way she was holding her flats in one hand and how she looked at my direction and her reaction immediately changed from shocked to nervous . It's make me feel more happier that I can read her like a book her every reaction was captured in my eyes . The way the wind was blowing gently through her long and soft hair as if to tease me . The way she smiled while stepping her foot in the grass in the rain as if she wanted to consume each and every drop by the clouds . The way her eyes shine with happiness while her lips sang beautifully and her legs find their own rhythm it's was one of the most beautiful and purest thing I had noticed in her that time . She was dancing as if she was in her own world of nature with no one but little adorable kids surrounding her . The laugh sounded like the wind chimes bell when the wind passes through them . She danced like a flower depicting sheer happiness and her love to the rain . There she stood with rain drops disappearing into her smooth skin melting  with her chocolaty scent resting peacefully on her slender neck while the doe like eyes looked baffled and resembled pure shock . The way her nuptial chain was shining on her neck and the ring of our weddings adding more beauty to her already heavenly resemblance . All I wanted to do at that moment was to hug and kiss her and to taste those rain drops resting on her lips and to wipe them with with own lips.  But I didn't let my possessive side to take control . The way her hairs covered her whole face while she reassured Jessie made me feel proud of my choice to marry her . She is definitely the light of my dark world which reminds me of happiness and joy and warmth of having someone loved ones to love and cherish for. I will definitely make her fall in love with me but I have to start with baby steps . After existing 'our ' room a sense of pure happiness and relaxation rushed into my veins . I don't even remember the last time when I felt this calm after our marriage . I never thought I will call my room as our room . She is my everything and I will protect her to my death from that lesrov . He will   face  the cruelest death and  I will ake sure that it happen soon . After reaching my office my phone ringed and Stephan  told me that we have to come to uncle and aunt wedding anniversary which is due in two days . I will take tanya with me she does like the company of uncle and aunt and whose knows our relationship might start getting better .

A/N:- The next update is here . Do tell your views on the chapter . The next update will be super soon . Till then stay safe stay happy

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