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Time skips to one week
Drake P.O.V
My name is Drake Blackwell and yeah I am the mafia leader of Italy and Africa and also the founder of Blackwell industries. People know who I am and what I do for a living they fear and respect me well they should after all I am that kind of person you should not mess with. For the past one week I am on a killing spree. If he thinks that by killing my 10 men he can challenge me that he is wrong. The world which I rule runs on power there is no place of emotions in it . The weaker you are the lower the chances of your survival  will be . That bloody bast*rd think that they can defy me and will escape. They don't know whom they are messing with. If they want a hunt and let the hunt begin nobody mess  with my family and get away from it just like that.

Tanya (P.O.V)
(On top is what she wore) Well, today is my first day of school and I am nervous as hell. Deep breaths tanvi deep breaths tanvi . After taking a long and relaxing bath and getting dressed in a simple black suit and salwar(Indian dress). After joining my hands in front of lord krishna idol and praying to him

 After joining my hands in front of lord krishna idol and praying to him

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I decided to head downstairs for breakfast. Seeing my nervous face everyone hugged me and I was showered with kisses on my forehead and cheeks. Uncle decided to drop me off to school which I couldn't deny. After driving for 20 kins we reached the Bailey high school. Okay there we go. Don't know why but I am feeling something big gonna happen today well it better be something positive. The whole school was quite big and I was standing like a lost child and on top of that I can see the curious glances to boys and girls . Ugh, it's so embarrassing. Suddenly, I heard a blonde girl calling my name she came towards me and introduce herself , I did the same. She said she will give me a brief tour of the school . She is very friendly she told me about the bad boys of the school and their head  name is Jasper. Soon, I heard some weird hooting and whistling  . Annie and I was stopped now by the boys who looked like quite muscular  guys. One of them said where are you going introduce yourself to us and and yeah dance for us honey. This boiled my blood by now there was a huge group of teens forming around us. I glared at the boy who called me honey but there was a evil smirk on his face and on his friends. Out of the corner of my eyes I can see Annie telling me silently to obey them but I have other plans. Well, brother I looked dead serious at the boy who was watching me with amusement dancing in his eyes . I don't dance and yeah you better watch your attitude. Various gasps were heard but not caring about and grabbing Annie's hand I began walking but before I could take  further steps my wrist was handled in a hard grip. Leave my wrist  I said to the guy with a tattoo but he tried to get closer to me. Enough is enough . I jerked my hand away from him and said to him listen man I don't wanna create a scene just leave me the hell alone , but that jacka** and his friend started calling me sweety and what not. Okay, now they will be responsible for their  condition. Well, you want me to introduce myself right . My name is tanya aggarwal and yeah about the dance . I adjusted my dupatta to a side and tied a knot in it. I smiled sweetly at the guys who were  watching me like a hawk. Within in a single blink of eye I punched the guy hard in the stomach who called me honey. He groaned in pain. The other two started to circle me one of  them throw a punch on my face but I quickly dodge it and kicked him hard and then twisted his hand painful at his back. The third one was a easy one just a kick in his manhood and he was down. The fourth  guy who was standing shocked ;I get on my toes and take the  leather collar of his jacket  in my hand I told him to take care of his   friends, brother some of them might need medical help and yeah don't you dare mess with a girl especially an indian one they can be hazardous . That was so badass said Annie but I don't know you could fight. I know Annie but I had a thing about self-defense . I smiled at her. After, receiving my schedule from the head office I headed towards the locker . Well, first class is history. Okay let's see Annie was with me the whole day as she and I had the same schedule and she is my locker buddy too. Well, on the whole the day went good with occasional stares and whispers from people . Welcome to Bailey high school  (note the sarcasm) I said to myself .

Jasper (P.OV)
Hi, I am jasper the whole school know us as the bada**  bikers . Well, I don't know whether to be shocked or feel embarrassed. The girl whose name was Tanya I guess the way she fight was awesome. She kicked zander so hard in the manhood that for a matter of seconds I thought he will never will be able to b*ng a girl now. That dumba** deserved it. She called me brother the whole school girls drool over me and she just called me brother. She was beautiful man but now my whole squad feel that we should apologize to her don't know but we all are feeling quite brotherly protective towards her . We decide to apologize to her but before we could do so she left with a old man must be her relative though .  Well no worries we will meet regularly now sister.

A/N:- Do vote and comment . Well, what is  your take on Drake do let me know .  Update will be next week. Till then stay safe.

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