Chapter -32

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Love is not what you call Mr Blackwell - Tanya

Tanya ( P.O.V)
The sun was almost set with last rays of Sunshine creating a illusion that the day was yet to over . The birds was flying with her wings spread wide and their heads high with respect and was going back to their home to their family . But where should I go ? My family had already died! I can't live with my relatives as they don't want me to live with them , but those who were my own people what did they get in return of helping me ? Pain, torture , scars nothing else . How I am repaying with all the love and affection showed by them by putting them through these times . I didn't want this , this lavish lifestyle , this fake respect among people , these big expensive cars , h*ll even this marriage I was happy in my own world with adequate resources it wasn't that lavish but atleast I felt calm, happy and has freedom . What else this man will take away from me !? I closed my eyes as tears started flowing from them . Remember tanvi he can't make you feel weak , he will win then my inner self told me and I angrily wiped off my tears .

 Remember tanvi he can't make you feel weak , he will win then my inner self told me and I angrily wiped off my tears

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( Imaginer her sitting like this )
Tears will not free me from this situation.  The scenes were playing themselves reminding me how I let everything happen . Suddenly I saw Mr Blackwell in the mirror and he told me :- You are mine and you will always remain mine how matter how hard you try to push me . I will come back and have you wife . The last word disgusted me and I yelled at him to stop but he keeps repeating the bloody sentence again and again . Unable to bear it more I took the nearest flower vase and smashed it into the mirror breaking Mr Blackwell face or image . It took me a while to compose myself . As I looked down at the floor towards the broken pieces my reflection appeared

 As I looked down at the floor towards the broken pieces my reflection appeared

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( Imagine her seeing her reflection like this along with tears on her cheeks)

in them and I again was seeing myself getting broken and close to a emotional breakdown . Deep breaths tanvi deep breaths calm down ! Nothing was working out my tears began to flow dropping like a rain drop on the broken pieces my body shook violently as I tried to make my heart rate normal it felt similarly to the day when I got the news of my parents dismissal . Suddenly voices of Stephan , Fabio , Mr Blackwell , Antonio began appearing in my head and I was able to see everything how it happened and how it started in front of my eyes . My head was now spinning my legs fumbled as I moved towards to knob of the door hoping to escape from it but they all catch up and began dragging me

 My head was now spinning my legs fumbled as I moved towards to knob of the door hoping to escape from it but they all catch up and began dragging me

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( Imagine her getting dragged along in this room which was in her vision )

Please no !! Help help !! The whole room turned pitch black and I shouted as loud as possible definitely hurting my throat in the process . Before they drag me any further the door open and a light of beam hit my eyes making me blind for few seconds as I shielded them .

Daughter was visibly disturbed as she came from the warehouse and refused to eat the dinner . Though Drake wanted her to eat with us but I told him to give her time . Time is all she need now . We are eating dinner when loud yelling accompanied by loud sobbing reached our ears and without wasting a second we all bolted to Drake and tanya's room but even after opening the door tanya was still yelling at Drake to not hurt her as he took some steps in her direction . Bloody footprints was there on the floor it appeared as if somebody has dare to come in the house but seeing tanya in this condition as I was able to understand her situation completely . Reaching towards her I gently hugged her as she clung me and   looked terrified and refused to look at anybody seeing her in this condition my blood boiled in rage and I looked towards Drake for a explanation but he appeared more concerned and told me that nothing has happened between them . Please uncle don't leave me . Tanya's morphed voice came as we looked towards her and I gently rubbed her back . After a while she composed and Dylan checked her dressed her wounds properly . After a while he told to be extra careful towards her as she is very close to have a emotional breakdown . Just when we were leaving he called me and told me that's she wants to talk to Drake .

When they both were left alone .
D:- Love , you wanted to talk ?
T:- Do you really love me Mr Blackwell ( he was taken aback by the question as this was the first time she dare to maintain a eye contact and her eyes held rage )
D:- Yes Tanya I love you .
T:- (laughing bitterly ) oh really !? Mr Blackwell .I don't have any past experience in this type of thing. But your love is not love it's a obsession  your list , your own needs nothing else . Love is not what you call and interpret . Love is a pure feeling in which you are ready to do anything for  your partner.  In love you gave wings to your partners dreams and help them fly in the endless sky . On the contrary you have cut down my wings , how you ever seen my smiling let alone laughing around you . You are the reason for  my pain . My dreams , my education , my life all is shattered all because to you .
D:- ( getting angry after hearing her accusations of lusting on her ) Love , you are right my way of expressing my love for you was definitely different . But I do not lust for you . I will never force you into any physical relation with me without your consent . I don't want you to think of me as a ra**st . Please , don't call my love as lust .
T:- You remember that you promised me something on wedding night  ?
D:- ( Confused for a second ) I will fulfill all your wishes . You can ask anything expect to over this marriage. 
T:- Anything Mr Blackwell ?
D:- Anything I promise .
T:- ( after sitting on the bed and taking away the duvet ) Free my uncle and his family and my friends form your captive .
D:- I can't do that love you will try to run away then .
T:- You call yourself powerful but the truth is that Mr mafia who people are the most cowards people . You can't live without a gun with bullets in it . You people command respect from people by using muscle power . You can't live like a ordinary person a day because the truth is you will fear for your life . ( She stands without thinking of the wound of her feet and hisses as it comes into contact with the cold floor she held her palm as drake tried to help her )
D:- Don't hurt yourself more love . We are not cowards in our world there is only one rule either you kill you get killed and I chose the first . I will free your relatives and you can study and pursue whatever you want but there will be conditions.
T:- Free my uncle's family and friends without you keeping an eye on them and you have my word .
D:- I will do that . ( He moves towards her and carried her to the bed though she persists but he told her that in come in conditions that he will touch , hug and kiss her and will not do anything with her.  Having no choice to argue further she agreed )
End of conversation

(After making sure that tanya has eaten the dinner he helped her to walk to the bathroom as he brushes her teeth and left her alone for changing her clothes and carried her back to the bed and kissed her on forehead before leaving the room )

A/N:- The next update is here . Do tell your views through the comment sections . Will Drake will keep his words what about Tanya's education will she able to complete it ? Let's find put together . I will  update fast as now the story is pacing up and it's not fair to keep you waiting . Till the next update stay safe stay happy .

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