His Favorite Christmas Story

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First story yay! As the first one it might be shaky but it's fine right.

This is based on the song "his favorite christmas story" by Capital Lights, I highly recommend it. I changed some of settings and storyline to adapt it but still close. also this is an AU where dean still hunts but cas isn't an angel. 



He met him up in Delaware in 2000. 

Dean was on a simple salt and burn case, alone of course. he decided that after a little win the he  didn't find being alone on christmas the greatest so he stopped at a bar.

He was wearing a blue tie to match his pretty eyes. 

Dean walked into the bar and landed himself in a classic christmas party, drunk Santas and elves  galore. He sat down in the last bar seat and after ordering his first drink, he looked up and saw the prettiest blue he could imagine. 

The blue eyes met his and good ol' Deano decided to pine for the rest of the night. he's just here for the night and it's  normal christmas not drifter christmas (that's not till February) so why even try to get involved. no point if you ask him. at least that's what he thought. 

December 24 at a quarter till 11's when he finally gained the courage to ask him dance. 

"uh... hey um hi. We have been playing eye chicken all night, wanna dance?"

"sure. It's about time ya know." 

It was the night before christmas. It was love at first sight.

The jukebox played as they danced through the night. 

He was a small town boy. He was a traveling guy. 

As the two young men danced, the crowd got bigger somehow. Everyone started to really dance and the holiday spirit took over. Soon time was lost, the two boys were gone. 

He never caught his name before they said their goodbyes. 

Dean sat in baby, pondering over one of the best christmases he has had since Sammy left. Sure even then they never really celebrated but the brothers considered a secret trade off of a car magazine and an old candy bar their family tradition. He drove back to the motel promising himself to never forget the blue eyed man and this night before christmas. That promise wasn't hard to keep, hell he even called Sam and told him about it. 

A couple years later he was out on the road. 

Having christmas dinner in a diner alone. 

It has been two years since that christmas. Dean is sitting in a dinner alone. Sammy is still in college and couldn't come meet him, stupid pre law prep. Dean didn't mind though, he was content listening to the people in the dinner: the small families having dinner, the young couples grabbing a bite after the in-laws, the waiters and waitresses being pissed but not as much as normal. He was happy to just be there. 

When he saw a young waitress with a gleam in her eye. Her favorite day of the year. 

She showed her spirits were high. 

She said "Sir, can you shed a little holiday cheer?" A simple christmas story is all she wanted to hear. 

He looked prepared  with a smile and started to say: 

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