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"Candidates Omoikane, Shinsou and Hatsume trying for the support course, please make your way to the staff room. There is something the staff would like to offer you."

Izuku's POV

Both me and Hito groaned loudly. I fell to the ground dramatically, because why not? "I WANNA SLEEEEEEP!" Hito yelled out. Mei looked at us with a 'You guys are pathetic' face and grabbed both of our wrist. She then started dragging us , which I will point out, hurt a lot, since I am on the ground. 

"Hey! At least let me stand up, you dick!" I yelp out, scrambling to my feet when she released my hands. She just rolled her eyes and continued dragging us when she caught my wrist again. 

As we head to the respective room, many thoughts came through my head. Have they found out already? What possibly would they want to offer average kids? They better have not found out. That'll piss me tired self a lot, even though I had already thought about this situation. Ugh, what a drag.

Soon enough, we were in front of the staff room. Mei finally released our probably bruised wrist and I signaled them to get behind me before knocking on the familiar door that they definitely had to replace after I broke the previous one. The memory made me grinned, which I quickly wiped off when the door opened slightly, a voice beckoning us to come in. 

As we step in, I put on my protective mom face. After being friends with the two behind me for so long, I had somehow became their parents. I'd protect them for people who have a higher chance of harming them. All three of us had made it clear that we do not trust heroes, so I made sure to get ready to do anything in my power to make sure they don't get hurt in the current situation we were in. Although, it is reverse when people that are closer to our age group who want to socialize with me decided to approach me. I've had many bad experience with kids around my age, so it becomes really scary to communicate with anyone who seems harmless. Ironic, ain't it? I protect the two from people who are strong and they protect me from people who are weaker than us.

I growled at them which, by the expressions on their face, took them by surprise. Of course, it isn't technically normal to be growled at when you did nothing. "Sorry 'bout him. He's a little overprotective since he has been the one caring for us for a while now, so he basically turn into our mom," I hear Hitoshi say, probably to make sure we don't mean harm, even though I do.

The heroes just swallowed and nodded. "Well then, we called you here to make an offer. When we watched your performance in your exams, we were all very impressed. We'd like to offer you a place in the Hero Course. I figured that you guys would still want to stay in the Support Course, thus, we can manage to squeeze both the courses in your schedule. It is possible, I assure you. You guys have the skill and potential to become splendid heroes. You guys even managed to make Eraserhead here impressed and that says a lot.  We really would be honored to give you an opportunity to train to be heroes," Nezu says, the other staff nodding at his words. 

I turn around to them with a blank face, only to see the same blank expression on their faces. This was not at all what I expected. I face the heroes again with another scowl on my face and say, "If we accept this offer, will we be in the same class?" 

"Ah, yes, all three of you will be placed in Class 1-A but when you do basic subjects such as Mathematics or History, it will be with Class 1-H. And when the Sports Festival rolls around, you will be representing Class 1-H, the Support Course, since it is your main course," Nezu says. 

"Give us a few minutes to discuss this," I say, turning back to my friends and wiping my scowl from my face. "Aight, what do you guys think about it?" I ask in a low voice. 

"Well, in my opinion, you two should go. My heart is set on building only but you guys have potential to fight and stuff. It seems fine, I'll still see you guys during lunch, basic education and Support. But, if 1-A has any outings, I'd feel safer if I went with you guys. Knowing you guys are still in the same area as me puts me at ease, but if we were far away from each other, then, Id rather be with you," Mei says. 

"I agree with Mei. It'll also be bad if only I went since I'm more prone to panic attacks than Mei is, and if either you or Mei isn't around to help me, it'll turn into a living hell for me and everyone near me. And, if you went with Mei, she'd probably make friends and make you socialize with them. We all know you and me are the most social awkward, so we don't make friends often," Hitoshi says. I ponder on what they say for a while, and slowly nod. 

I turn back to the little shits- I mean heroes and sighed. "Only two of us agree to take up your offer. Mei here doesn't want to be a pro hero becomes she's lazy and rather build since it's less exhausting than fighting and training. However, if Class 1-A were to have an out-of-school outing, I will make it clear that she will be coming along. And, if there is any activity with groupings, me and Hitoshi should not be split up. This may result in unavoidable chaos. Other than that, me and Hitoshi agree to this," I explain, grinning as Mei glared at me.

The heroes look at each other before nodding. "Well, we accept your requireme-" Nezu was saying, before the door slammed open, revealing a man I despise so much.

"Sorry, I'm late," the large blonde says.

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